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Dorothy 08-15-2007 03:04 PM

Hibiscus Anyone?
1 Attachment(s)
I just thought I'd share one of my hibiscus with everyone as it is a sheer delight to me!
It has not stopped blooming since I bought it May 12 of this year and the plant(s) and it's flowers are only getting bigger and even more colorful. I love the brilliant orange against the dark green foilage.
It is like having the Fourth of July everyday!
It is called 'Montego Wind' by the Yoder Brothers (Yoder Brothers, Inc.) from their TradeWinds Series.
I have also purchased another 2, a white called 'Hurricane Lily' and a pink called 'Belize Breeze' (compact flower) which need some repotting. The pink is blooming but not strongly and the white needs some TLC. These are strong plants, and once they get new soil, they will be as prolific in blooms as it's cousin. :)

Becca 08-15-2007 03:13 PM

:cheer: Beautiful! I love it!:drool:

khill 08-15-2007 03:14 PM

That certainly is a pretty one. I also love the color. Here in Florida, we grow them outside year round.

cb977 08-15-2007 03:25 PM

That's a beauty, D! :clap:
As khill said, they're all around down here.
I have three in front of the house and one large red hibiscus is potted keeping the 'chids company in the room ;)

There was an article in our paper recently about a gentleman who grows thousands of them and he offers free seeds!

You can contact him through email at maribeth_c2000@yahoo.com (The Seed Bank ;) )

Tindomul 08-15-2007 03:26 PM

These are very pretty. Hibiscus is the first plant I gave my mom for her new house in Florida a few years ago. Its doing well, drought, hurricane, neglect and all. Congrats!

Ross 08-15-2007 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by cb977 (Post 49996)
That's a beauty, D! :clap:
As khill said, they're all around down here.
I have three in front of the house and one large red hibiscus is potted keeping the 'chids company in the room ;)

There was an article in our paper recently about a gentleman who grows thousands of them and he offers free seeds!

You can contact him through email at maribeth_c2000@yahoo.com (The Seed Bank ;) )

I believe the one most Floridians grow is the original Hibiscus poeppigii native to your area. Dorothy's appears, to me, to be a hybrid as it is different coloring.

Dorothy 08-15-2007 04:15 PM

I wish I could grow these outside - so long as I bring them in before the frost - I have nothing to worry about. When I was in California, Coronado Island in San Diego was loaded with them the size of trees and the hummingbirds were always buzzing them. They are such an exotic and cheery plant. I just love them and my orchids have nothing to be jealous about .. I have enough love for them too. :)

This is the info given on their hibiscus -
Yoder Brothers, Inc.
Whether species or cross or hybrid - they are exceptional.

Thanks for the seed tip, Sue ;):Tup:

cb977 08-15-2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by rsfrid (Post 50000)
I believe the one most Floridians grow is the original Hibiscus poeppigii native to your area. Dorothy's appears, to me, to be a hybrid as it is different coloring.

Dorothy's is GORGEOUS! :drool:
The ones I have are basic reds and deep peach colors (separately :) )

Dorothy 08-15-2007 04:33 PM

Sue check out the website
Your eyes will be rolling on the floor where you dropped your jaw. :coverlaugh:
They have a complete list aside from what they recommend and their TradeWinds Series :nod::Tup:
They are worth a lookie :shock:

flhiker 08-15-2007 05:42 PM

D you have great taste, I bought one less then a month ago. Looks to me to be the same color beautiful orange with a dark pink center. Probably not the exact one but close. I took a picture but no flower today. They grow great down here it has almost doubled in a month

Dorothy 08-15-2007 06:15 PM

I couldn't resist the contrast hues and that neon pumpkin color with the pink throat - it dazzles the eyes! :shock:
I am so looking forward on posting the other 2 that I have - especially the Hurricane Lily. I saw it in bloom and had to have it! The pink - Belize Breeze - is a pink with pure white throat - something I have never seen and again, had to have ;)
I LOVE COLOR:biggrin:

Be sure and post a photo of the flower when it blooms, Dave :):Tup:

cb977 08-15-2007 06:17 PM

Will...not...start...another...obsession...Will... not...start...another...obsession...Will...not...s tart...another...obsession...Will...not...start... another...obsession...

but I did request some seeds ;)

Dorothy 08-15-2007 06:27 PM



dennis 08-15-2007 06:45 PM

some of mine we do not do the tropicals no room inside during the winter





Becca 08-15-2007 08:13 PM

Hi Dennis! It doesn't matter if yours are not tropicals, they are all beautiful. I tried growing a non-tropical this year, but the bulb decided to rot on me instead...so I will try again next spring. I do not have room inside either for the tropicals, and I am in zone 6...so of course they would die if I tried...so I will live with what I can grow!

Dorothy 08-15-2007 09:14 PM

I saw some of the sauce dish sized hibiscus today also.
They were beautiful. They have great length and lank - I bet they are great plants for backgrounds and to fill in large tall areas.
I especially like the white one with the red throat :):Tup:

cb977 08-15-2007 09:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thought I'd post a pic of the one keeping the 'chids company:

Lagoon 08-15-2007 09:42 PM

Fantastic flowers, I love these :D

Dorothy 08-16-2007 09:26 AM

:clap: Nice one Sue
Pretty pretty pretty! :)
Hibiscus truly are simplistic beauty at it's best :nod:

cb977 08-16-2007 09:27 AM

I like yours more!

I'm hoping that some of the seeds I'm waiting for are like yours ;)

Dorothy 08-16-2007 01:45 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Dave - What size pot did you buy them in and how many plants did you get in that pot.
I got 4 inch pots with 5 plants in each - I purchased 3 pots - so total I have 15 plants (varying sizes) and paid $38 - I made out pretty good :):Tup:
Hope you did as well.
The orange - Montego Wind - I repotted in a larger pot without separating them to keep it bushy.
I'd eventually like to make some of the others into small trees.
Here are photos of my repotted Belize Breeze (pink in bloom) and Hurricane Lily (non bloom)
and this is a picture of Hurricane Lily - http://www.yoder.com/GRAPHICS/TRADEW...ANELILY_FP.JPG

Candice 08-16-2007 02:26 PM

I love hisbiscus! I really want a hisbiscus tree....but my dogs would destroy it right now if I go and get one. I had tried to grow a blackberry tree/bush and my lil one who is now 9 months old, at the time was 5 mos. she chewed the entire thing up, then of course it died!
BUt all these :photo: make me wanna go get one from a nusery! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Dorothy 09-10-2007 08:30 PM

Hurricane Lily
1 Attachment(s)
:cheer: I am proud to announce the arrival of 'Hurricane Lily'. The first of 5 plants that has finally bloomed - Thanks to the addition of a bloom booster, 'Lily' has strengthened and is showing her true colors :) :banana:

cb977 09-10-2007 09:15 PM

A beauty!!! :clap:

flhiker 09-10-2007 09:18 PM

Just beautiful D.:nod: Sorry I didn't see your question before. I got mine in 3in pot and 1 plant, it bloomed nicely till I posted a picture, I fertilized it a day or two before the picture and I must have over done it. All the buds blasted! :_( They turned yellow and fell off. The new ones seem to be hanging on. I will post a picture hopefully soon;)

Dorothy 09-10-2007 09:25 PM

:clap: .. I look forward to it :nod:

Lagoon 09-10-2007 10:24 PM

Oh wow D, thats so pretty :D
I do love any kind of biscus. I don't have any as house plants anymore, the orchids took over, the others left weather in the great outdoors :biggrin:

Djarum Black 09-10-2007 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Candice (Post 50218)
I love hisbiscus! I really want a hisbiscus tree....but my dogs would destroy it right now if I go and get one. I had tried to grow a blackberry tree/bush and my lil one who is now 9 months old, at the time was 5 mos. she chewed the entire thing up, then of course it died!
BUt all these :photo: make me wanna go get one from a nusery! Thanks for sharing!!!!

I love them also but have the same problem. I had a bush planted in the back yard by the pool. My dogs eat both the leaves and the blooms. I never get to see it bloom :(
In fact, I'd all but given up on the plant as the leaves did not return this year. (They were all eaten by the dogs). It's starting to green up again now thank god after 8 months of bare sticks.
Any ideas of how to make the plant not tastey to the rulers of my backyard? lol At this point I'm ready to try anything. :blushing: :scratchhead:

flhiker 09-10-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Djarum Black (Post 53437)
I love them also but have the same problem. I had a bush planted in the back yard by the pool. My dogs eat both the leaves and the blooms. I never get to see it bloom :(
In fact, I'd all but given up on the plant as the leaves did not return this year. (They were all eaten by the dogs). It's starting to green up again now thank god after 8 months of bare sticks.
Any ideas of how to make the plant not tastey to the rulers of my backyard? lol At this point I'm ready to try anything. :blushing: :scratchhead:

Cayenne pepper mixed with water and spray the plant.:evil: Make sure you have a lot of water for the dogs if they decide to eat one. If they a smart dogs they will only do it once.

flhiker 09-12-2007 12:31 AM

Hi D. I saw this at a customer's house! Huge flower One of the petals was deformed. And he had Pink ones and Red ones (no flower on them)

Dorothy 09-12-2007 12:52 AM

Nice one ! :clap: :)
:coverlaugh: I was going to pick up a exact same looking one last week called 'Cool Wind' - Click here and chose white color
I may have to go back and see if there are any left! ... :biggrin:
Is that one the perennial hibiscus? The ones that die off in the winter and reseed themselves for the spring? Their stems are usually more lanky and their blooms can become the size of saucers. It looks like it by the spadix. :nod:
Reminds me of a Rose of Shannon

Dorothy 09-14-2007 04:55 PM

Hurricane Lily Available
2 Attachment(s)
I have more than too many Hurricane Lily Hibiscus. I have 3 plants.. If anyone is interested, I am asking $2.50 plus the price of postage for a nice leafy plant whose stem is woody. They have buds on them. I will send them bare rooted but bagged in sphag moss to keep the postage at a minimum.
The photo is a picture of 4 plants (one plant is taken) that I will separate.
Let me know - I'd like to make a mass mailing on Monday :)

flhiker 09-14-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 54068)
I have more than too many Hurricane Lily Hibiscus. I have 3 plants.. If anyone is interested, I am asking $2.50 plus the price of postage for a nice leafy plant whose stem is woody. They have buds on them. I will send them bare rooted but bagged in sphag moss to keep the postage at a minimum.
The photo is a picture of 4 plants (one plant is taken) that I will separate.
Let me know - I'd like to make a mass mailing on Monday :)

I will take a couple D, let me know details

Dorothy 09-14-2007 05:40 PM

Dave - I sent you a PM :)

flhiker 09-14-2007 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 54073)
Dave - I sent you a PM :)

D you must have you PM turned off I tried to send you a PM twice and there was a error sending it.;)

Dorothy 09-14-2007 06:58 PM

You have to enable me by checking off where it says you are accepting my response when not on buddy list .. it's under additional options underneath where you type your message. :nod:

I added you to my buddy list ;)
(if you don't mind )

Dorothy 09-15-2007 03:47 PM

::: BUMP ::: :biggrin:

Dorothy 10-13-2007 10:27 AM

Blooming Crazy
1 Attachment(s)
Ok Dave - here is the display of Hurricane Lilies you have to look forward to when your hibiscus bloom. My other photos of a more complete pic of the others with them was just too blurry ..
Enjoy :)

Grandma M 10-13-2007 11:47 AM

I was given a potted one as a gift 2 years ago. I don't have a greenhouse so I just put it in my basement, on a table near my HPS light, and it winters over there. It will bloom until early winter, and then takes a rest. In the spring, I put it outside again and it will pick up as if it had never been disturbed. It is time now to take it in again. My biggest problem is I live alone and it is rather heavy, almost a 2 person job.

flhiker 10-13-2007 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 58332)
Ok Dave - here is the display of Hurricane Lilies you have to look forward to when your hibiscus bloom. My other photos of a more complete pic of the others with them was just too blurry ..
Enjoy :)

:clap: I can't wait but I guess I have to. The bud that is the biggest looks like it might blast. The edges are looking brown :_( Oh well I am sure it will get better
Thanks D

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