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-   -   Is anyone actually my age? (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/introductions-break-the-ice-/41491-actually-age.html)

AonghusD 11-30-2010 03:41 PM

Is anyone actually my age?
:hello Everyone I see on the forums are always over 20 or something. But just saying because I feel a bit like a sore thumb. :shock:

trdyl 11-30-2010 03:54 PM

Welcome to OB!

There are a few around your age. And do not let your age make you feel bad. I was 10 when I started.

Hedge 11-30-2010 03:54 PM

Well done and welcome! I wish I'd discovered orchids at 13! I'd have hundreds by now:) I am sure that you'll fit in here, because we are all learning and many of us, despite our age, have not been growing orchids very long. So ask as many questions as you like, and enjoy!

RosieC 11-30-2010 03:54 PM

Don't worry Aonghus. You are quite young for an orchid collector, but that's great. It's wonderfull for people to get involved with orchids as young as possible. Orchid societies always want to encourage young members.

I know we have at least one member who is 16 (Mikeg) so you're not the only one under 20, and we welcome folks of any age.

camille1585 11-30-2010 03:59 PM

I think you're one of the youngest (I think there were some 14-15 year olds once in a while), but on this forum age doesn't matter much! It also seems like orchids is a hobby that you get into, or at least really get serious about, at a bit of an older age. At your age I was interested in completely other things! Orchids came a bit later.

nenella 11-30-2010 04:14 PM

Welcome to the OB! nice to see somone of your age here! I look forward to seeing photos of your orchids & as already said ask anything you want/need there will always be someone to help!

Gin 11-30-2010 04:23 PM

Welcome to Orchid Board ! there are several your age even younger the other day I chatted with a 12 year old you are not alone :) Gin

CTB 11-30-2010 05:15 PM

Welcome to the Orchid Board, Just think by the time you are our ages you'll know so much, you won't have to start off killing them at 65, I've tried to get my grandchildren interested but no go, I'd love to share the love of orchids with them. You keep at it.

prc11 11-30-2010 05:20 PM

I am 14 and I started when I was 10 with one Phal. and now I have over 40 orchids of all kinds. I have visited many greenhouses and the members at my local orchid society have been very generous giving me info and plants.

Izzie 11-30-2010 05:33 PM

We're glad to have you no matter your age! This is a great place for you- and the rest of us!- to learn. I'm only 21, so I'm a bit of a "youngster" here as well, though not as much as you. Welcome!

fotofashion 11-30-2010 06:55 PM

Is anyone actually my age?
The younger, the better. At my age I don't care to buy seedling plants, they take too long to mature. Seedlings are cheaper, you can buy lots and learn as they grow.
I don't feel I have the time or energy to do that. :hello
Beverly A.

katierkincaid 11-30-2010 07:58 PM

I was 12 when I started gardening. Post some pics, I am sure we would love to see your collection :)

Call_Me_Bob 11-30-2010 08:16 PM

I've never told anyone, because nobody really asked, but i am 15. ive been growing orchids for a year-and-a-half though.

glad i started younger though :)

that may explain some of my earlier insecurities about my growing abilities though. but im confident in my abilities now

EDITED- to add content

Daethen 11-30-2010 08:17 PM

What difference does age make? We are all here because of our appreciation of the orchid. We all have something to learn and something to teach, and that means you to. Welcome, ask and enjoy!

Pampered 11-30-2010 08:26 PM

Welcome to OB. How wonderful it is that you grow orchids in your heart since this young age. I'm late 20 and I'm still a baby in the OB! So don't worry. Let's learn and help each other. :)

orchids3 11-30-2010 08:44 PM

The late Mary McQuerry talked about a 97 year old friend who was still buying flasks and planned to see them bloom. Oh! to be young and filled with love of this hobby. Its a joy to know that young ones are coming along. You are not only welcome to join but I for one hope you bring many of your young friends.

Call_Me_Bob 11-30-2010 08:46 PM

the sad thing is, none of my friends really appreciate it.

tcrane 11-30-2010 09:29 PM

Don't feel too bad. I'm 32 and none of my friends appreciate my hobby. They're more inclined to laugh. And then ask my advice on keeping their plants alive.

Meanwhile, we have a whole board full of friends right here. ; )


Call_Me_Bob 11-30-2010 09:32 PM

haha! thats why i love this board so much! not many people really appreciate it aside from here and my OS

Becca 11-30-2010 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by AonghusD (Post 363370)
:hello Everyone I see on the forums are always over 20 or something. But just saying because I feel a bit like a sore thumb. :shock:

I sure hope your thumb is at least green! Like said previously, age doesn't matter here! Welcome to our family!

Queenslander 12-01-2010 12:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Welcome, I wish I had started when i was 13. I started too late, that's why I don't buy seedlings any more, don't have the time to see them grow.
I hope you enjoy this OB, they are great people.Attachment 51182

AonghusD 12-01-2010 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by prc11 (Post 363406)
and now I have over 40 orchids of all kinds. I have visited many greenhouses and the members at my local orchid society have been very generous giving me info and plants.

You are so lucky that you can visit greenhouses and talk to people because I live in Ireland which is one of the worst places ever to grow orchids and the closest (Good) orchid greenhouse is over in America. :(

Plus all my friends laugh when I tell them what my hobby is but apart from one who is an understanding person but I just say to them I want to be a Doctor.

FairyInTheFlowers 12-01-2010 11:19 AM

Well AonghusD, I myself have been interested in orchids since I was your age, though I am not much older now, just turned 15 in August! You should look around and see if there is any orchid societies in your area! I am currently a member of one now and they are really friendly and excited to see a person so young interested in orchids! And about your friends, though I do not know them I do know this, a true friend would NOT make fun of your hobby! And you should also ask around about greenhouses, because I am sure people would know of multiple greenhouses that have CITES permits and would ship to Ireland! So, WELCOME to the board!

Hedge 12-01-2010 11:31 AM

I know from the experience of my own teenage children that having your friends' approval is more important than anything else; but it is something that we all discover that what matters to you is what is important and as others have said, true friends will respect your interests and see for themselves how much this hobby means to you.

You say you tell them you want to be a doctor - well, why not a doctor of plant sciences ? I hope that your friends will find this an acceptable career choice :D

RosieC 12-01-2010 11:33 AM

There are lots of nursaries in Europe (The Netherlands is big on orchids) and you don't need CITES or any other paperwork to ship them anywhere within the EU.

I'm pretty sure Ireland is in the EU because you guys use the € as currency. (I should know for certain of course, but I'm rather useless on those types of things). You should have no problems buying orchids from Europe and I'm sure many UK nursaries will ship there as well.

Of course visiting one is another matter if you don't have any near you.

Hedge 12-01-2010 11:50 AM

There is an Irish orchid Society which operates out the national Botanic Garden in Glasnevin, check out this link (if you haven't already) Orchid Information, Tips & Advice for Beginners - Irish Orchid Society

SewPretty 12-01-2010 01:25 PM

i'm 26 and my friends think my "old lady hobbies" are silly. but that's fine. i think they are silly too. :P

Tindomul 12-01-2010 02:06 PM

Orchids are not old people hobbies. Neither is bird watching for that matter! I know, cause I do them both, and I am NOT OLD. :angry:

hehe. :rofl: I really don't think there is any age limit or requirement to love orchids. The only reason I started at 25 was because my mother always told me that they would die on me and not to waste my money. But around the house I was always the person to take care of the plants from age 9.
Welcome to the Orchid Board, all of you teens!

kavanaru 12-01-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tindomul (Post 363593)
Orchids are not old people hobbies. Neither is bird watching for that matter! I know, cause I do them both, and I am NOT OLD. :angry:

Age is mind over matter... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!

Tindomul 12-01-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by kavanaru (Post 363599)
Age is mind over matter... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!


I like that!!!

Call_Me_Bob 12-01-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by kavanaru (Post 363599)
Age is mind over matter... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!

I like that as well.

It's kind of like at photograph club. Most people are over 30 there. But that doesn't make their work any better than mine. Some of them are better than me, but some are not.

He only disadvantage of being younger is that it's harder financially. By you can buy seedling for cheaper and then by the time I'm in college, some of them might be blooming

Wrebbitrocks 12-01-2010 03:14 PM

lucky, i started at age 15 but had wanted them long before that when i saw them on NOVA. either way im 18 now and STILL killing them :) my advice as many here have given me, do your research, invest in books, start off small and easy, and of course watch the price (this can be an $$$$$$$ hobby!!!) buy a couple seedlings of phalaenopsis along with a fully grown one in bloom so that you can experiment with it and the seedlings. plus if the seedlings stay alive, theyll give you alot more satisfaction when they bloom for you :D good luck ;)

Call_Me_Bob 12-01-2010 03:29 PM

I always liked plants.

Something I did 1 1/2 years ago ( when I started ) was since I didn't have Money to go out and buy a plant just to kill it. I read and read and read some more. I read so much before buying anything. Now I've chilled out a bit since I know what I'm doing. But all the reading has been incaluably helpful. I encourage anyone who is starting to read as much as they can.

My next problem is space. I already have tree shelves w/ lights filled up and there is no mine space anywhere!

DelawareJim 12-01-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by AonghusD (Post 363547)
You are so lucky that you can visit greenhouses and talk to people because I live in Ireland which is one of the worst places ever to grow orchids and the closest (Good) orchid greenhouse is over in America. :(

Plus all my friends laugh when I tell them what my hobby is but apart from one who is an understanding person but I just say to them I want to be a Doctor.

Welcome aboard! It may seem a bit hard now but with a bit of time you'll find some of the best friends you've never met are here on Orchidboard. :biggrin: I know for myself, I've learned more and gotten more support here than any club I've ever been a member of. And once you develop specific interests and really get to know the other members with the same interests, you'll be swapping plants and stories with the best of them.

And believe me, we all totally understand the friends laughing at the hobby. ;)


kavanaru 12-01-2010 04:11 PM

ok, now me... I started very young... I was 9 or 10, when I started collecting orchids... I still remember a trip to southern Venezuela, to a National Park, in which I started hiding orchids I collected from the wild, in the car of my parents, in order to smuggle them from the NP... :D by the time my parent discovered it I had something like 100 plants in there... I learned my lesson VERY well :rofl::rofl: (I think my butt is still hurting!)

Call_Me_Bob 12-01-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by kavanaru (Post 363634)
ok, now me... I started very young... I was 9 or 10, when I started collecting orchids... I still remember a trip to southern Venezuela, to a National Park, in which I started hiding orchids I collected from the wild, in the car of my parents, in order to smuggle them from the NP... :D by the time my parent discovered it I had something like 100 plants in there... I learned my lesson VERY well :rofl::rofl: (I think my butt is still hurting!)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Connie Star 12-01-2010 06:06 PM

Age and experience are less important than passion and enthusiasm.
I envy you getting started at 13. I didn't start until I was 59 and 1/2. Hopefully I'll get at least 30 years in!

florafan 12-01-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 363655)
Age and experience are less important than passion and enthusiasm.

Totally agree. I just got started with orchids although I've been gardening since my teens. I've killed my share of plants (both houseplants and outdoor ones) but also had the joy of gifting divisions of plants that I have nurtured. I have one jade plant that I purchased in a tiny pot when my daughter was 3. She is now 21 and I still have that plant! Just enjoy each stage of learning and grow along with your plants.

Orchidflowerchild 12-01-2010 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by AonghusD (Post 363370)
:hello Everyone I see on the forums are always over 20 or something. But just saying because I feel a bit like a sore thumb. :shock:

I started when i was 14. Been doin it now, well, as long as you've been alive.

Dear lord. I feel effin OLD now. LOL


Orchidflowerchild 12-01-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by help (Post 363447)
the sad thing is, none of my friends really appreciate it.

shooot, most people my age just don't get it, either. Most people are pretty painfully ignorant of plants, anyway.


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