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-   -   Summer 2010 Signup (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/member-projects/37677-summer-2010-signup.html)

flhiker 07-24-2010 04:48 PM

Summer 2010 Signup
:waving WE are doing a single Interm. Project plant this time. Still plenty of time to join. Just pm me or place a post here. I will be checking often.

Place your plant suggestions here:

Participant list:

1. nenella (France)
2. Izzie (USA)
3. RJSqurrial (USA)
4. Jeff9 (European-Union)
5. PitcherASAMD (USA)
6. Becca (USA)
7. marydanielsanto (USA)
8. Gin (USA)
9. help (USA)
10. Orchidsue (USA)
11. tcrane (USA)
12. Lady Tottington (USA)
13. Rosie (UK)
14. Birdsongfarm (USA)
15. Kavanarv (Switzerland)
16. Camille (France)
17. King of orchid growing (USA)
18. Erinmir (USA)
19.flhiker (USA)
20. MuscleGirls'Hobby
21 Zoi2 (USA)

Why we do group projects!

The reason we do these projects is to learn more about our hobby and interact with others orchid lovers around the world. How we do it is everyone who want to participate decide what king of project they would like to have. Once everyone has decided they research plants that fit that criteria and suggest it for the final poll. Then a poll is set up to vote on the final selection. Once a plant is selected, you purchase it and share everything about it. What it looks like when arrived, how you intend to grow it. Conditions. ect. It's great fun and you just may learn a thing or two. From start to purchase can take up to a month and half, to allow people the chance to join.

The process:
1. Decide by vote which type of project to be done. and compile participants
2. If the Interm project win's I will start taking suggestions.
3. Compile a list of plants that fit the criteria (species, 16"or less, 20.00 or less, available to all)
4. Vote for final selection
5. Purchase final selection
6. Share your new arrival, growing conditions, care tech., success or failure
7. Have fun!

We are currently in stage 3

If your not to familiar with OB group projects. Check out these links below:



Searching Tips. (if anyone has any other ways, let me know and I will add it here)

The best way I have found to research plant to suggest, is to locate a orchid from a local vendor to you, that fit the criteria. Then using the links below see if the other place's also have it. If you find one or more that fit the criteria and located everywhere then take note's of the plant, where you found it for each location, and how much. If possible supply the IOSPE link.

U.S. , European search engine and a couple Canadian vendors to help you with availability

Some US vendors (you can use who ever you want just make sure they have good stuff)

Orchids By Hausermann

Oak Hill Gardens

Andy's Orchids - Orchids Species - Orchids - Species Specialist - Orchids on a stick

European search engine


Canadian vendors



IOSPE link:

Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia

cb977 07-24-2010 04:54 PM

I remember seeing a post recently with somebody asking about a project :scratchhead:

nenella 07-24-2010 05:08 PM

Hi Dave,
Thanks for posting! Good Idea! I'd forgotten about projects & love them! Nice excuse for purchasing some more & learning about growing something different!
I'm "in" for an Intermediate & why not a Dend? I only have 3 Dends for now 2 species & 1 hybrid & the only one I have managed to re-flower is the hybrid.(have had them between 3 and 1 yr) So,
I look forward to a summer challenge! (still haven't got last summers challenge to bloom ).. but
It's growing! :)

Izzie 07-24-2010 05:25 PM

Depends on what is chosen- intermediate would be a great happy medium for people, I would think.
:X cheap and easy....

nenella 07-24-2010 05:41 PM

I have just looked up Camille's suggestion &
to me It's just ... :cloud9: ! I have always wanted a white Dend! & my mum was here on holiday a month ago and wanted to by me a hybrid nobile white from a florist @ 30 euro.. & I refused saying I could get a species for less if not 2! :D thanks for the mega suggestion Camille!

Izzie 07-24-2010 06:00 PM

What about Den. hymenanthum? or oligophyllum, parishii...or my favorite- laevifolium!!!

flhiker 07-24-2010 06:14 PM

Well that didn't take long. They have many different types of Dendrobium moniliforme at
New World Orchids Dendrobium moniliforme

susiep 07-24-2010 06:17 PM

Well, of course I am interested! Let the picking and choosing begin!

flhiker 07-24-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by susiep (Post 330069)
Well, of course I am interested! Let the picking and choosing begin!

I already had you on the list http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_203.gif

Jeff9 07-24-2010 06:27 PM

Dinema Polybulbon

Mediocalar Decoratum

Both are intermediate and vigorous growers with very unique and intresting flowers & foliage.

Also seem readily available atleast at European and a few U.S i have seen.

flhiker 07-24-2010 06:54 PM

OK great. Let's start by figuring out what type of project we are going to have and how many people are going to participate before suggesting individual plants.
As I said Camille suggested the Den. moniliforme project and what that means is there are many different types of this plant and you as a participant will get what ever one you prefer. OR
Do projects as usual, have everyone suggest a Intermediate growing speices 16" or under tall and 20.00 dollars and under cost. I will make a poll for participants to vote on the one they want.

flhiker 07-24-2010 07:14 PM

I have set up a poll to choose which project we will have. http://www.orchidboard.com/community...tml#post330084

PitcherASAMD 07-24-2010 07:38 PM

I'm definitely in Dave! I know I was a slacker on the last project. But since then I've gotten married, moved AND started a new job. Lots going on. But now I'm ready and back in the game :)

Katie :)

marydaniellesantos 07-24-2010 07:39 PM

I was wondering if you could fill me in on the project, it sounds very interesting, and I read some posts on previous ones... and was really just waiting for the next one.

If you give me the details, I would love to join in! :)

flhiker 07-24-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by marydaniellesantos (Post 330091)
I was wondering if you could fill me in on the project, it sounds very interesting, and I read some posts on previous ones... and was really just waiting for the next one.

If you give me the details, I would love to join in! :)

Welcome Mary. There's not much to a project, basically we chose a plant that everyone (worldwide) can get and share's there growing experience. Once we get a list of plants that fit the criteria we vote for which one we get. with one exception, if we do the Den. moniliforme project then you just choose which Den. moniliforme you want to grow.
Be sure to vote on which type of project you would like us to have.

marydaniellesantos 07-24-2010 08:15 PM

Awesome, I will be voting here shortly! Thank you!

Becca 07-24-2010 08:26 PM

Please count me in too!

flhiker 07-24-2010 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by PitcherASAMD (Post 330090)
I'm definitely in Dave! I know I was a slacker on the last project. But since then I've gotten married, moved AND started a new job. Lots going on. But now I'm ready and back in the game :)

Katie :)

Happy to have you with us again

flhiker 07-24-2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Becca (Post 330103)
Please count me in too!

great your on the list.

Izzie 07-24-2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by flhiker (Post 330067)
Well that didn't take long. They have many different types of Dendrobium moniliforme at
New World Orchids Dendrobium moniliforme

I couldn't afford any from there, but it will be interesting to see what is chosen in any case!

Becca 07-24-2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330134)
I couldn't afford any from there, but it will be interesting to see what is chosen in any case!

There are several that are in the price range that Dave stated....$20.00 or under for a project plant is what I recall. I do however already have one of the standard variety....I'm still trying to figure it out for blooming...lol.

flhiker 07-24-2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330134)
I couldn't afford any from there, but it will be interesting to see what is chosen in any case!

They are a easy reference and you don't have to order from them maybe you can find one elsewhere for less.

marydaniellesantos 07-24-2010 10:48 PM

I think whatever is best for everyone is what we should do... so maybe something else?

Izzie 07-24-2010 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Becca (Post 330136)
There are several that are in the price range that Dave stated....$20.00 or under for a project plant is what I recall. I do however already have one of the standard variety....I'm still trying to figure it out for blooming...lol.

:blushing: Unfortunately, even the $20 is a stretch for me right now. Thus, why I have had to join projects with the caveat "if I can find a healthy plant I can afford...."

None the less, I'd love to try another Den, I have a Den. aggregatum that I've finally figured out how to keep happy.

Izzie 07-24-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by marydaniellesantos (Post 330139)
I think whatever is best for everyone is what we should do... so maybe something else?

:D that's why I suggested the other mini Dens on my previous post on the first page. I'm rooting for a Den. laevifolium. Dendrobium laevifolium: Orchids By Hausermann

Izzie 07-24-2010 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by flhiker (Post 330137)
They are a easy reference and you don't have to order from them maybe you can find one elsewhere for less.

:) I'm definitely planning on trying something from them someday, to get one of the obscure cultivars.
I've found it other places, but still a little $$$.
I'll have fun either way living vicariously through you guys! :lol:

flhiker 07-24-2010 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330142)
:) I'm definitely planning on trying something from them someday, to get one of the obscure cultivars.
I've found it other places, but still a little $$$.
I'll have fun either way living vicariously through you guys! :lol:

We are not even 24 hrs. into this yet. So anything can happen. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_2.gif

marydaniellesantos 07-24-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330141)
:D that's why I suggested the other mini Dens on my previous post on the first page. I'm rooting for a Den. laevifolium. Dendrobium laevifolium: Orchids By Hausermann

That wouldn't be a bad idea... :)

marydaniellesantos 07-24-2010 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by marydaniellesantos (Post 330153)
That wouldn't be a bad idea... :)

It likes warmer climates... My house is where it will be growing, and it's 70-75 F in the day and 60-65 F at night... Idk if that little guy is gonna work... :(

Izzie 07-24-2010 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by flhiker (Post 330144)
We are not even 24 hrs. into this yet. So anything can happen. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_2.gif

Like me magically getting an offer for another plant, and then having to decide...awesome project...awesome plant...awesome project...awesome plant...

Izzie 07-24-2010 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by marydaniellesantos (Post 330154)
It likes warmer climates... My house is where it will be growing, and it's 70-75 F in the day and 60-65 F at night... Idk if that little guy is gonna work... :(

You'd be surprised at how adaptive these guys can be.
Your temps are ideal for a lot of orchids, actually.

marydaniellesantos 07-25-2010 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330161)
You'd be surprised at how adaptive these guys can be.
Your temps are ideal for a lot of orchids, actually.

I am willing to try it if you think so... I just don't want any of the chids to be working too hard to stay alive. It really is a cute little guy. I was slightly sad when I read up on the culture. But if everyone else thinks it's a good one, then I think we should do it. :)

flhiker 07-25-2010 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 330160)
Like me magically getting an offer for another plant, and then having to decide...awesome project...awesome plant...awesome project...awesome plant...

Sorta. The interm. plant chosen could cost 20.00. But may be found local or ebay for less. Lets see what happens. If we lower the max price our choice's will be very limited.

Gin 07-25-2010 01:06 PM

I got my first Dendrobium moniliforme from Andy's a couple years ago I love it ,small ,very fragrant, blooms well .
I am not in on the project if one is picked I have, would have to bail out( don't like to do that )

PitcherASAMD 07-25-2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gin (Post 330269)
I got my first Dendrobium moniliforme from Andy's a couple years ago I love it ,small ,very fragrant, blooms well .
I am not in on the project if one is picked I have, would have to bail out( don't like to do that )

Which one did you get Gin?

Call_Me_Bob 07-25-2010 02:56 PM

count me in!! idk about dens.

but i agree, intermediate, and $20 or less. the height isnt a problem for me, but if it is for someone else, that is fine

flhiker 07-25-2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gin (Post 330269)
I got my first Dendrobium moniliforme from Andy's a couple years ago I love it ,small ,very fragrant, blooms well .
I am not in on the project if one is picked I have, would have to bail out( don't like to do that )

Hi Gin, Are you aware that there are many varieties of Den. monifiorme available. Many different colors and foliage. Orchids are like Lay's potato chips, you can't have just one.

Call_Me_Bob 07-25-2010 03:02 PM

hey dave, my name isnt on the list. can you add it?

marydaniellesantos 07-25-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by flhiker (Post 330291)
Hi Gin, Are you aware that there are many varieties of Den. monifiorme available. Many different colors and foliage. Orchids are like Lay's potato chips, you can't have just one. :biggrin:

I totally agree! :rofl: I have 60+ now, and my husband isn't too thrilled, but since I'm doing a "project" he doesn't mind!:biggrin:

Call_Me_Bob 07-25-2010 03:05 PM

lol! good excuse!

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