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orchids3 05-18-2009 02:20 PM

Florida Cymbidiums
As a student at Idaho State College I worked at an American Rose Society Test Garden in Pocatello Idaho. The purpose was to test the suitability of different roses for that climate. A lot of the work was paid for and sponsored by a man who did it as a hobby. My part of the effort was to shovel Cow manure on the collection. The work was hard but then I have never had any particular allergy to hard work. My reward for the effort was $1.25 Per hour and a real respect for what was being accomplished. Too bad more testing of this type is not done on all plants that could be grown in different climates particularly my favorite, the cymbidium Orchid.

Cymbidiums that will grow and bloom in N.E. Florida is something I have made spent many years of effort and enjoyment to learn. Each year and each plant teaches me something new and the more I want to know about this fascinating species. My cymbidiums have not been inside for six years and that included the past few nights. Success is the result of successfully creating a micro climate for the plants. All except one of two are in fine shape.

A lot of my cymbidiums are too young to determine how well they will do. I also have a lot of plants that are no longer available commercially but have bloomed well for me. Many are not included on the attached list of Cymbidiums which will bloom reliably. I would love to know what anyone in Florida has success with so that I can add it to my list.

Flower initiation is not an exact science. Generally Cymbidiums like a 20 degree F day/night temperature swing with the high being 75 degrees F. in July and August - paticularly true of the large standard species which originated in the Himalayas. Our fall is closer to this temp swing so plants which initiate spikes during the fall are often successful in Florida - but the actual flowering is usually later causing flower spikes to abort in the heat of the early summer. Some plants don’t get the right light temperature combination in our conditions. Finding plants which initiate flower spikes and not abort is what the effort is all about. Cymbidium breeders and serious growers know that during the hybridization process the day night temperature swing requirement often tends to blur due to the variable of different species. The resulting hybrids become more tolerant of climate variables as a result. There are also strange things going on with the genes of these plants which require cold temperature in that the same plants seem to also have a "hot" gene. Some of the variation is due to the range that we find the species. Finding a species collected in a hot area may give us warm growers. Another trick is to get the right combination to turn on the hot gene. As I learn more about all this the more curious I become. The only sure way to know is to
Grow the plant and see for ourselves.

LIST OF Cymbidiums which have been reliable bloomers in Jacksonville Florida

Alice Alisa (Cym. Alice Williams x Cym. Sleeping Beauty) REL. Bloom
Amesbury 'Ice Wine' (Geraint x Ora Lee )
Auntie Mary Kovich (sinense X insigne) Easton REL. Bloom
Donovan (Kusunda Shining 'VE Day' X Sleeping Ransom 'Blazing Gold') Hatfield REL. Bloom
Dorothy Stockstill 'Forgotten Fruit' (Cym. Phar Lap x Cym. Miss Muffet) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Florida Cracker (Wild Colonial Boy x Golden Elf) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Floripink (Cym. Kurun x Cym. Vanguard) B&D at Orlando REL. Bloom
For Your Love (Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Snow Aker) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Genji (Korintji x San Miguel) B&D at Orlando REL. Bloom
Gladys Whitesell 'Contrast' (Fifi X perishii) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Gloria Naugle (Golden Elf 'Sundust' (4N) X Kusuda Shining 'Brick' (4N) EVERGLADES REL. Bloom
Golden Elf 'Sundance' (ensifolium X Enid Haupt) Everglades REL. Bloom
Golden Tiger 'Pure Glory' (Golden Cascade x tigrinum ) Hatfield/ Easton REL. Bloom
Hawaii 'Golden Nugget' (Chironla X Dorama ) Not Sure REL. Bloom
Honey Bunny'Sugar Candy' (Sara Jean X Lovely Bunny) 2ea Hatfield REL. Bloom
Janis Lin 'Emily Kate' (Sara Jean X Omymilum) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Kauai (Golden Elf x Cym. Sleeping Dawn) Batchman REL. Bloom
Kusuda Beauty (Kusuda Shining 'Brick' 4N X Red Beauty 'Netty' 4N) 2 Everglades REL. Bloom
La Costa 'Elf' (Olymilum X Baltic Snow) Orchid Adventures REL. Bloom
La Costa Moonlight (Baltic Glacier x Olymilum) Geiger REL. Bloom
Levis Duke 'John Gulbis' (Blue Smoke X Etta Barlow) (Costco) REL. Bloom
Lovely Rain "New Horizon" (Enzan Moon x Cym. Parish Madness) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Lusterous (Louisiana x Sunrise) Owned many years REL. Bloom
Marianne Faithful " New Horizon" (Tracey Reddaway x Cym. Karen) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Maui Mist 'Wakefields Snow" (Olymilum x aloifolium) Maui orchids REL. Bloom
Maureen Carter (sinense x Sleeping Beauty) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Milton Carpenter 'Everglades Gold' (Golden Elf X Via Amberino) B&D Gainsville REL. Bloom
Mimi 'Lucifer' (pumilum X Doris Aurea) 3 Many Years REL. Bloom
Pasadena 'Beautiful' (Joan of Arc x George Lycurgas) Many Years REL. Bloom
Sarah Jean 'Ice Cascade' (pumilum X Sleeping Beauty) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Star Bright 'Centaur' REL. Bloom

Sweetheart ‘Sensation’

Sweet Spring "New Horizon" 4N (sinense x Cymbidium Alexanderi) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Taste of China(Kusunda Shining #4 sinense 'Alba' Hatfield REL. Bloom
Tender love 'Independence' (perishii X ensifolium) E-Bay REL. Bloom
Tom Thumb (pumilum x Coronado) Many Years REL. Bloom
Valerie Absolonova (Golden Elf 'Sundust' X Peter Pan) Easton - REL. Bloom
Via Wylie-Coyote (Via Coyote x Via Mar-Vista) DeLosier REL. Bloom
Western Movie 'Key Lime' (Cym. Blue Smoke x Cym. parishii) Hatfield REL. Bloom
Yellow Elf (Pure Gold ' 14 Karat' X Golden Elf 'Sundust' Batchman REL. Bloom
Christian Heritage 'Andy's Gift' X Tracey Reddaway Evergllades REL. Bloom
Golden Tiger 2n X Pure Glory ‘Alba Diploid’+ Colchicine Hatfield REL. Bloom
Mem. Jacqueline Oyston 'Ice Princess' X Atlanta 'Geyserland' Hatfield REL. Bloom
One Tree Hill X (Carilara X Applejack) X Alice Williams 'Emerald' Batchman REL. Bloom

Hatfield Orchids Hatfield Orchids
Batchman (Casa de Las Orquides) Casa de las Orquideas Online

Grower in Deland Fl
Cym. Pistachio Mint (Cym Bill Quinn x Cym Tom Thumb) ¼ pumilum Note Tom Thumb on my list
Cym. Mary Pinchess (Cym pumilum x Cym Pajaro)
Cym. Allie Bird (Cym. pumilum x Cym. Susa)
Cym. Cameliard (Cym. Sweetheart x Cym. Angela) ¼ pumilum
Cym. Mimi (Cym pumilum x Cym. Doris Aurea)
Cym. Fifi (Cym madidum x Cym Argonaut) madidum blooms easy does not like too much sun or cold
Cym. Peter Pan (Cym. ensifolium x Cym. Miretta) ensifolium is a very warm grower
Cym. Chen's Ruby (Cym. iridioides x Cym. Golden Elf)1/4 ensifolium from Golden Elf
Cym. Tityus x Alderman Cross has a lot of eberno-lowianum which I find to be warm tolerant
Cym. Grassy Waters x Claude Pepper Not sure why it grows warm but it does – sinense could account
For some of it but Green Glass also blooms well.

Gin 05-18-2009 04:36 PM

:bowing:bowing I enjoyed all the information, and the list you posted I printed it .
I just got a small division of
Cymbidium. Sarah Jean 'Mint Sherbet'
My friend Sue in Fl. gave me a nice division of Cymbidium Florida Flamingo ' Pink Passion ' (Cym. Sinense x Cym.Cleo Sherman) ... everglades orchid . Thanks again for the information it is appreciated .. Gin

Gin 05-19-2009 01:28 PM

Bumping this up so it won't be over looked .

Bobfharris 05-19-2009 02:12 PM

Well done Harry.. First for all the work, second for passing along the information to the cymbidium world.

One correction I see so far, Golden Elf 'Sundust' not 'Sundance' unless of course you have some completely other varietal that no one else has :-)

I have this in the 4N version as well and am considering playing with the pollen.
Peter Pan is 'probably' Greensleeves' 4N as most others aren't grown, collected and won't breed and this is true for the varietal in the Easton form of the Valerie Absolonova)
Wonderful Collection!!

orchids3 05-19-2009 04:38 PM

Thanks for the kind words. Valerie Absolonova is a
4N or at least both parents are. It is Golden Elf 'Sundust' - typo on my part. Posting a word docuiment
and correcting it so that it looked nice - took some doing so there may be a few more typo's in the origional post.

Des 05-19-2009 06:43 PM

Nice collection Harry , I have only about two of them in my collection . Most of my plants are hybrids from OZ

orchids3 05-19-2009 11:07 PM

Your posts indicate some very nice plants. Wish we could trade - probably impossible beteen South Africa and the USA.

Des 05-19-2009 11:22 PM

Harry nothing is impossible , Find out from your Dept of of Agriculture what their requirements are .
I think it would be more difficult for me to import from you though. I recently received plants from OZ which were posted it took 2 weeks to arrive and they are now growing just fine .

Bobfharris 05-20-2009 12:29 AM

I think you are forgetting about CITES. Not sure how Aus works it but from the US it can take up to 18 months to get a CITES permit..!!!! to ship orchids. Has nothing to do with the Ag department normal permits..

Des 05-20-2009 05:10 AM

Bob , all our documentation specifies that we are shipping hybrid Cymbidiums. Some of the larger orchid nurseries here are importing Cymbids hybrids in flask from The USA without a problem and I know of at least one supplier that ships plants into the States from OZ.
Some years back we tried to ship Milt. hybrids from Hawaii only to come up against a brick wall as the supplier was not able to obtain the paperwork , I cant quite remember what the problem was. Our Ag. dept and customs here only requires a phyto. certificate here for hybrids

Bobfharris 05-20-2009 01:46 PM

Hi Des
I guess you haven't read about the hassle here with CITES .. they can raid your house for selling or exporting or importing orchids without a permit. Probably those vendors from the US you mentioned have obtained them. Not so easy for individuals. CITES has been rolled into our Homeland security and is not very friendly..

Des 05-20-2009 04:05 PM

Bob, I was not aware of your cites hassles, Sounds to me as though the greenies in the states have gone a little overboard.

orchids3 05-20-2009 10:40 PM

When the gov gets involve in anything it gets goofy. They often mean well but dont think thru the whole
depth of problems regulations can cause and are too much of a buracracy to change quickly. The whole involvement of the gov in our country is very devisive right not and will put people at each others throats in a heart beat. Its so bad the we cant even ask civil questions about each others views without getting hackles up.

Bobfharris 05-21-2009 12:33 AM

Amen to that one Harry!!!

CITES is international however and we can thank the Brits for that one..but not to be outdone it was taken over by Homeland security. Once you run afoul of them it's hard to get a plane ticket as you are put on a no fly list. Putting orchids on the CITES list involved some heavy politics..Read the book Orchid Fever

Here is a reference explaining how difficult it is
CITES and Orchid Exporting

Needless to say a sane person doesn't want to mess with this stuff.. The author of the above article spent 250 hours processing a permit to export orchids from the US. Not uncommon..

Des 05-21-2009 05:34 AM

That is so sad , when they turn hobbyist plant growers into criminals
We have had similar things happening here where they have regulated the sports anglers out of sight as a result so many boat builders and tackle suppliers are struggling

jmateosky 07-21-2010 11:48 AM

any idea when cymbidium Milton carpenter will bloom

the warmer blooming milton, any Ideas what season it will bloom? one time a year?


Bobfharris 07-21-2010 12:34 PM

The Milton Carpenter (both the patented 'Everglades Gold' and the 4n I have) are blooming right now and have been off and on since about May and usually do until around November. Some may bloom twice.

jmateosky 07-21-2010 05:13 PM

mine miltons everglades gold are not blooming???
yours are blooming? ere we are getting all kinds of rain. what is your weather like? what brings these to bloom lots of light?

The other cymbs I thought bloomed because of a significant cold differenetial?

I wnat mine to bloom too:-(((((((


Bobfharris 07-21-2010 07:13 PM

These bloom independent of Temp as ensifolium is behind them. They normally bloom in summer during the heat. No trigger as they can bloom all during the fall.

jmateosky 07-21-2010 09:21 PM

any ideas on how to getem to bloom?
my plants are at 5000 ft in costa rica. in 35pct shadecloth. they have been getting sun in the morning and lots and lots of rain in the afternoon. hardly any fertalizer. temps are on the cool side as to the clouds. there are 100 of them as I bought 2 trays and they are all in nice form. I bought them to make a row on my driveway. they were cheap.

what is the weather like there ? do you use fert. to encourage flowering?


rodrigo 07-23-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by jmateosky (Post 329501)
I bought them to make a row on my driveway. they were cheap.

Hi Jim
I'm in Costa Rica too!
Where did you get these "cheap" cymbs?
Did you get them locally or you imported them?
Are they warm tolerant varieties?
Pura Vida!


jmateosky 07-23-2010 09:34 AM

costa rica cymbs

I am not sure the policies for commercial items here. so if you want call me 8892 1200


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