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Dorothy 02-14-2009 09:02 AM

Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off!
In lieu of the trials and tribulations of dealing with the cold, dark winter months and non flowering orchids (nubbins and all) for some of us ..
Here is a tantrum thread .. voice your complaints .. be them cabin fever sufferage (Al ;) ) and the like!
Let's all express our frustrations together to get through these last few months in the absence of our beloved orchid blooms
..let's find some humor in it :coverlaugh:

Ok People Sound Off! :muahaha:


cb977 02-14-2009 09:05 AM

:lol: It's great having you back with us, D :D

Remember folks...this is NOT a thread to complain about problems you have with an organization or a vendor...have some fun here (/udb)

Dorothy 02-14-2009 09:10 AM

Thanks Sue ;) :blowkisses:

CoolPhrog 02-14-2009 09:54 AM

Dorothy...you are too funny! I can't wait to see the responses!

Ross 02-14-2009 10:42 AM

My main issue is: why does the upper Midwest have to get all the snow! Now don't take this wrong. I understand many of you moved to the sunny south to get away from snow, but wouldn't it be fair to swap climates for a few days? :biggrin: It wouldn't be that hard to swap my snow blower for your air conditioner as long as it wasn't more than a week :rofl: I could do with a week of warmth (not the "warmth" we have been getting in the 40s but really warm weather - like 80s) right about now. That would do a lot to help me get through the winter. Heck, my house is only 60s!

That reminds me, my Grandson told me "Heck is for those that don't believe in Gosh". He's Narferman on the board.

Sun rm.N.E. 02-15-2009 11:08 PM


I sympathize with you. All my orchids have to bloom in the Winter or Spring. I cut off all flower spikes in the Summer. They get supplemental light in the Winter. If they still don't get the message they get shipped off to my cousin in South Carolina.

After the last shipment he sent this message:

"What do you think this is? Guantanamo Bay?

Dorothy 02-15-2009 11:18 PM


cb977 02-16-2009 11:18 AM

I could just SCREAM! Getting cold again!
Well, I was trying to be positive about the weather so I moved a bunch of stuff out to the lanai last week. They've enjoyed a number of nice days out there...and are being moved back into the orchid room because we're expecting cooler temps once again! Low-mid 40s tonight and then mid 30s by Friday night! :faint:

Will it never end??? :tapfoot: :tapfoot: :tapfoot:

(Thanks for reminding me about this thread, D ;) )

CoolPhrog 02-16-2009 11:35 AM

Tell me about it!!! I FINALLY get a greenhouse and now I have to wait until it warms up at night again so I can put my plants in it....meanwhile it sits EMPTY!!! UGH!!!!!

Dorothy 02-16-2009 11:36 AM

You are welcome ;)

jkofferdahl 02-16-2009 12:21 PM

Sorry Dorothy, the only tantrum I can throw is not orchid-related. But here it is:

What the heck is up with people in libraries these days? They talk in normal, loud voices when they don't actually yell. They allow their children to run wild all through the building, then call libraries "Child unfriendly" if told to keep their kids under control. They leave their cell phone ringers on LOUD, then seem unconcerned by carrying on conversations while utterly oblivious to those around them. They pull materials off of the shelves and leave them anywhere, with no concern for anyone else ever using the same item. We have truly become a society of people concerned only with themselves, with utterly no regard for others. As a librarian, I think I'm going to buy a cattle prod and use it on anyone who gets rude in my library. I am very, very angry with the public. I probably need a vacation.

cb977 02-16-2009 12:36 PM

I agree with you, John. I remember when you didn't speak above a whisper at the library. Today, so many people are so self-absorbed that they pay no attention to the folks around them...that applies to not only the library but at stores, doctor's offices, mall, restaurants...blah, blah, blah! :(

If we all just took an extra moment to think about how our actions might affect somebody else, the world might be a better place ;)

flhiker 02-16-2009 01:22 PM

Obviously I cant complain about the weather. But can relate to the rudeness of others. After all I do live in South Florida where they invented rudeness. I was standing in line at the local Walgreen's when a women walking up to the line noticed that she recognized the women in front of me. Of course they struck up a conversation and apparently she felt that this entitled her to jump in front of me and 2 others behind me. I asked the women if I and the others in line where invisible. All she did was give me a dirty look.

dabblin-n-orchids 02-16-2009 02:04 PM

I feel ya'll on the rudeness . . .here in DC I'm :yikes:STUNNED:yikes: if someone says "please" "Thank you" or "excuse me"
as for orchids I'm doing my best to keep my hand full of little chids going on my windowsill. I think my Encyclia is mad me because it doesn't like the cold nights and low humidity. It has been working on a new growth for some time now and is SUPPOSED to be a spring bloomer but there ain't no signs of nutthin yet . . . . .

snow 02-16-2009 02:37 PM

i hate winter

Dorothy 02-16-2009 05:20 PM

JK - I would pay to see you cattle prod the public

Ranchnanny 02-16-2009 05:34 PM

I have that new GH and put my chids out in it and have 2 yes two heaters running 24/7... :( My electric bill last month was $220 :shock:I sure was :shock:..
Ross your not the only one getting more snow we got snow last Thursday and Friday. I was expecting an orchid delivery and it didn't come they sat in a semi-truck all weekend. :tapfoot: They arrived today and most are soft :gasp:

I have had enough of this Global Warming :dunno:
I am going to :pray: for spring spring come on spring.

I'm done now and I feel better :rofl:


Dorothy 02-16-2009 05:51 PM

Nothing like letting off a little steam ;)
It's good for the soul :)

jkofferdahl 02-17-2009 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Dorothy (Post 194337)
JK - I would pay to see you cattle prod the public

Dorothy, at 6'4" and about 235 pounds, I do pretty well just using a really nasty glare. :rofl:

But a cattle prod IS in my future.

Dorothy 02-17-2009 08:37 AM


Kath 04-01-2009 05:19 AM

I know what you feel about rude people in queues! My husband is ready to wage war. In fact I think I'll tell him about the cattle prod, he might like that one! In France the worse are old ladies! Sorry if I've ruffled some of you, but people who jump queues in general are of the older generation, and, being in France they do it with a smile, and a friendly "merci!", but you've lost your place in the queue anyway!

In libraries, do you not have a section for children, where they can quietly read? Could be a good idea for the little old ladies as well!:evil:

MuscleGirl'sHobby 04-03-2009 04:07 PM

Yeah, my vent is regarding self absorbed inconsiderate people too! And this darn wind!

-The Library... I no longer go there to study, but you sure can overhear some interesting phone conversations. People will talk about anything... I heard a girl (maybe 18-20) loudly discussing her sex life! It was a very *ahem* diverse one! :rofl: But I sure do wish the librarians at our campus library would enforce the rules. :(

-Disrespectful kids... It's no wonder everyone tells me my kid is so well behaved. All other children are demons! As I was driving home yesterday, two high school girls were walking down the middle of the road and there was not room for me to pass them on either side (I guess the sidewalk isn't "cool" to use anymore). Anyhow, they see me and acknowledge. One girl scampers to the curb, the other slows to a crawling pace and gives me the attitude stare. I had to just sit there as she literally took 2 inch steps as she made her way out of the street.... so bad me, as soon as there was enough room to squeeze past her I reved the engine hard, then pulled around her. You should have seen her jump!! :rofl: The look on her face was priceless, and I'll bet she thinks twice before pulling that little stunt again!

-The wind... gag me! I like a breeze and all, but this is the kind of wind that makes you have to white knuckle the steering wheel on the freeway! Plus, it's stirring up all kinds of dust, pollen, and the like so my allergies are in overdrive.... And it's been going on for 3 days now... and is forecasted to continue.

Oh... and i feel much better now :biggrin: Making my way back to OB after a hectic week helps :)

cb977 04-03-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by MuscleGirl'sHobby (Post 210373)

Oh... and i feel much better now :biggrin: Making my way back to OB after a hectic week helps :)

Welcome home :waving

isurus79 04-03-2009 07:44 PM

My sound off is about SLUGS!!!!!!!! Those #@$%&! creatures that will devour spikes and new growths in one night while leaving just enough to make you think the spike will survive. It never does. Its like this stupid hungry slug was 'hmmmm.....that looks tasty.' Then they eat it decide that they're just not that hungry after all. I HATE THEM!!!!!!! Ive been waging a war and as soon as our rainy season is over this war will be escalating! Death to all slugs!!!!

Whew.....that feels great! The OB really is the best therapy there is! And its free!!

snow 04-03-2009 09:48 PM

did i mention that i hate winter?well it,s april and still snowing.
water is up to 3 inches in the garage.hope it stays out of the house.

Kath 04-04-2009 03:18 AM

Wow! I didn't realise there were so many people out there with a reason to throw a tantrum! OB should be recognised as a worldwide aid to therapy! By the way, I know what you mean about slugs, but on Orchids??? Or did I misunderstand something... Be careful, and I hate to say this, but some slug species are becoming rare! Sorry!

isurus79 04-04-2009 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 210486)
By the way, I know what you mean about slugs, but on Orchids??? Or did I misunderstand something... Be careful, and I hate to say this, but some slug species are becoming rare! Sorry!

Slugs orchid spikes? Oh yes! As for them becoming rare, dont be sorry. Its for the better! :evil: Nasty little creatures. Im sure some have value, though Im at a loss for what!

playtime8978 04-04-2009 04:09 AM

slugs feed birds and small mammals such as hedgehogs and badgers, they have their place in the world just not in my garden!

Gin 04-04-2009 10:12 PM

In libraries, do you not have a section for children, where they can quietly read? Could be a good idea for the little old ladies as well!

I am older and do not like statements like this one .

thakshila smith 04-05-2009 09:02 AM

Steve:- Yes Slugs are naughty people .I am afraid how they detect orchids flowers. They eat flowers too. They creep secretly and in the night times. They can smell buds I suppose!
During one night they can eat a whole stem.
Still there is snow? How com that. I thought that by April winter is over.

rogerman 04-05-2009 09:29 AM

Everytime I want or plan to go on holiday something always happens!!
Yesterday, we had planned on going to one province for the day to have a look at some Orchid shops...... My nephew in laws truck blew it's transmission halfway there......we came home with dampened feelings (At least I got two seedlings of the worlds biggest Orchid)!!
That little incident meant we had to take the truck into the workshop.... would take three days to rebuild the transmission...... END OF HOLIDAY as the wife has to go back to work.

kiki-do 04-05-2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by playtime8978 (Post 210489)
slugs feed birds and small mammals such as hedgehogs and badgers, they have their place in the world just not in my garden!

Wow, talk about a long winter. I just had a vision of a slug with a tiny little spoon feeding birds! :rofl:

kiki-do 04-05-2009 10:07 AM

My thing is that now that spring is here, the position of the sun is changing faster than I can move things around. I'm constantly trying to figure out who goes where and I'm totally confused with my ever evolving set-up. :whew It takes me a couple weeks to get them all situated. Meanwhile some of my chids get in a snit when I've forgotten them for a few days. Oh yeah, it isn't pretty! :evil:
Also, I'm going orchid buying crazy again. Every spring! I have some coming next week and doesn't my favorite orchid greenhouse (1 1/2 hour drive from me) decide to have a spring sale next week!!!!!! Oh the irony! :faint:
Now here's a math problem for you. If you still have checks in your checkbook, doesn't that mean that you still have money in the checking account? Isn't that how it works?????? :coverlaugh:
I'm a happy camper, honestly! Spring means new orchids! It doesn't get much better than this! :banana:

playtime8978 09-28-2009 06:27 AM

The daily rant
Okay I know there is a thread on here for ranting about mundane things that bug you but I cant find it so I am gonna start a fresh one!

I am ranting today about the amount of Phishing scam emails I get after signing up to a website called free stuff from a link on facebook, I get at least 4 a day asking for my information saying I have either won or am being gifted large sums of money, I am sick and tired of the stupid things! I sincerely hope tha people who are online nowadays do not fall for these but it makes me sad to think that people in desperate situations may just risk it in the hope it is real, I even got one asking me to take over £100000 to set up an orphanage or nursing home, how low can these folk go. GRRRRRRR

Okay thats my rant for today :rofl:

p,s please feel free mods to merge this I know there is the rant thread out there somewhere.

cirillonb 09-28-2009 11:21 AM

nothing is free.

Dorothy 09-28-2009 06:05 PM

Hi Carrie ... I merged your thread with this one and made it a sticky for easy access ;)

Beverly 09-28-2009 06:18 PM

OMG! I went upstairs and found that one of my new Phals got blown off the windowsill and into the toilet. I cant believe how fast I put my hand in the toilet for it.

cb977 09-28-2009 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly (Post 259843)
OMG! I went upstairs and found that one of my new Phals got blown off the windowsill and into the toilet. I cant believe how fast I put my hand in the toilet for it.


OrchidSue 09-28-2009 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly (Post 259843)
OMG! I went upstairs and found that one of my new Phals got blown off the windowsill and into the toilet. I cant believe how fast I put my hand in the toilet for it.

:rofl: :lol: :rofl:


fotofashion 09-28-2009 08:35 PM

Scam e-mails
Playtime, you only get 4? I get 20-30 per day and I have never signed up for anything. My favorites are the Nigerian scams and the penis enlarging pills. :evil: I am fortunate to have gmail and it puts all these scam e-mails in my spam box where it is easy to quickly scan them and then delete them. I have to at least look because once in a while a legitimate e-mail gets tossed in the spam box.
Anyway, as someone else said "there ain't no free lunch".
Beverly A.

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