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Mama2Raven 01-08-2009 04:11 PM

Grandma Ruth's ORchids
1 Attachment(s)
Hello Everyone! I am so new.:hello

I have using this board as a lurker:blushing: to help my orchids on my own. But now I want some opinions and any constructive help.

Background: My husband's grandmother was an avid gardener. She had the benefit of a Southern California climate. She grew these amazing HUGE yellow cyms on her back porch. A few years ago I took a cutting (in my inexperience I only took a back bulb) and took it home. I tried like mad to get it to do anything. and after a LONG time it sent out a new growth spikes but then died.

Well Grandma Ruth recently passed away. We went back out to SoCal and I got a few different psudobulbs (one small and a medium sized one, one with leaves one without.) for the trip back home to Pittsburgh, PA. So far they are maintaining but I fear they are getting worse. Since she is no longer with us and the family has sold the house, I know this is my last chance to get these plants healthy. I think it would be soooo amazing if i could do that for my husband who was very close to his grandmother.

The Current Situation:

They had no roots. However I was able to get roots to grow on all of the 5 plants. Then things started to get worse. I have them planted in a standard Orchid growing mix. I water them once a week to 10 days or so. I have only fertilized them once since I have had them. It is winter here so hardly any good light. I have them in the brightest one I have. They get no direct light.

I noticed last week that the roots were starting to get brown and mushy. So I cut away all the dark and bad looking roots (which were only a few! thank God!)

On the plus side all but one of the plants show new growth spikes with the sugar water seeping from them. One plant seems stunted.

Also I can get them to sit right in the pot. Am i using the right medium? What is the best procedure to use to pot up an orchid like Cyms? and watering, am i doing it too much? Should i be misting them for humidity?

I have seen so many conflicting reports on the internet and I can't get any useful info. Please help me save a family tradition.

I am going to try to post some pictures. Not great pictures but these are the ones i have right now. I will have more as soon as i can figure out how to post pictures.

Any and all advice is welcome!!!

p.s. Since getting the first Orchid that died, I have been completely into orchid growing. I just love it. It's so interesting!! I have the orchid bug!!!! :biggrin:

Royal 01-08-2009 04:52 PM

Welcome to the Board and the hobby/addiction! Lots of folks here grow Cymbs really well. Me - not so much. But the OB did help me make mine a lot happier. The main thing that did it was coconut husk chunks. Mine love it! Paphs too. That's just my two cents, I'm sure you'll get better. Glad you joined us.

Becca 01-08-2009 05:35 PM

Hi and glad you have joined us! My question is are they all cyms that you brought back? If so....I don't think cyms will like the standard growing mix....they need something that is more moisture retentive like coconut husk chunks (What Royal recommended). Let's see what the cym growers have to say. I had some before the raccoons got to them and I had them in s/h and Aussie Gold mix and the roots seemed to love both potting mediums. I would think that the standard orchid mix would be on the dry side for cyms...but if you are having problems with root rot then that doesn't make sense? Lets wait and see what the experts have to say!

WhiteRabbit 01-08-2009 05:58 PM

glad you found the board - and can get your cyms going

my :twocents:

here in sf bay area mine are potted in combo of fine and med fir bark with perlite and some styro mixed in.
they stay outside year round - tho we seldom even drop to freezing here. - in summer I water well 2-3 xs a week - in winter seldom. It is my understanding they like to stay moist - but not soggy.

back bulbs should remain shaded until there is some decent root growth - I kept mine in shady corner of porch - but other than that they like a good deal of light.

I don't know what your weather )temps, humidity are there. ? here the daytime is mod - dry humidity wise but very damp and cool at night which is what they like.

so - I don't know if other more experienced growers have the same advice - just know that this has worked for me ;)


and keep us posted :D

Mama2Raven 01-08-2009 06:12 PM

Thanks so much. I know the medium isn't great. The plants keep falling over! I am going to try to find coconut husks and see what happens.

Yes all of the cyms I am talking about were taken from the same "mother" cym in california. This plant was MASSIVE. I wish I had a picture of it.

The roots going mushy confuses me also. One some of the plants, the roots are great, white with the green tip and firm. (It makes me think they are so longing to be saved but I can't figure out what's wrong) But then on some half are mushy and half are white with green tip??!

Royal 01-08-2009 09:10 PM

Sounds like you got some good tips. Here's one more: Make sure to presoak any Coco husk very well to rinse any salts out.

Becca 01-08-2009 09:14 PM

Oh...I forgot to mention that a good place to get pre-made mixes for all the different kinds of 'chids is repotme.com. They aren't cheap...but the quality and customer service is top notch!

WhiteRabbit 01-08-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mama2Raven (Post 180991)
The plants keep falling over! I am going to try to find coconut husks and see what happens.

use toothpicks to prop up bulb ;)

Mama2Raven 01-09-2009 11:25 AM

UPDATE: Last night my husband and I put the orchids under some lights to supplement the winter grayness. I noticed several things. On one plant there are small black flecks that are NOT dirt. What are they? and How do I get rid of it?

Also, I checked the roots on all of the plants to make sure that the mushy root issue didn't return, and I found that one had no roots at all. none. what can i do to encourage new root growth?

I have so many questions! :) I am going to try to post some pictures. thank you! that is all for now!

Mama2Raven 01-09-2009 11:31 AM

UPDATE: So I moved the cyms under the lights. They seem to like it more than the window sill. The color looks a bit better. One is even showing signs of new root growth.

I have ordered and am anxiously waiting for my coconut chunks to arrive for a much needed repotting. I was thinking of adding perlite to the coconut husk chunks. Any thoughts on the effectiveness of that?

For the time, it seems the plants are maintaining. And maintaining is much better than degrading in my book.

christina waines 01-09-2009 11:57 AM

I know there are others who grow cyms way better than I do but here's my observations and:twocents: they are a bit fussy about watering in that it needs to be consistent. They do not like to dry out between waterings, they like to approach dryness ( as a fabulous grower once explained to me) . I suggest you use KLN or superthrive to help get the roots going. Orchid roots are amazing. they will look dead yet have new root tips starting seemingly from nowhere. If you've repotted into new media it will dry faster than old media. Coconut is great for cyms since it retains water longer. Cyms are more terrestrial and I know lots of people who use potting soil in the media mix, not real soil but the peat based potting mix. Hopefully some of this may be of use to you good luck

Mama2Raven 01-09-2009 12:14 PM

Thank you Christina. I am assuming that KLN is a rooting hormone? I have some of that (but a different brand) but I was afraid to put it on the roots. I thought it would damage them or burn them up.

It's helpful to know I can actually take steps and maybe see an improvement.

christina waines 01-09-2009 12:26 PM

KLN has rooting hormone in it plus other wonderful ingredients to help with stress. I wouldn't use your product unless it has B1 vitamin and I would dilute it to one quarter strength

Mama2Raven 01-13-2009 10:04 PM

Ok, Coconut Husk Chunks are in. I am going to repot in a mix w perlite. Any advice on proper potting technique for cyms???

Becca 01-13-2009 10:30 PM

Not a cym expert...but I was once told to cover one third of the bulbs....not sure if that was good advice or not. I would just make sure the roots are covered well. Anyone else have a recommendation on proper potting techniques for cyms?

Mama2Raven 01-14-2009 10:21 AM

2 Attachment(s)
NEW PICTURES. I finally got my camera working so here is what I am dealing with.

Be prepared. It's sad.

The first picture is the one doing the worst. It has only one very tiny root and is slowly dying. I'm re-potting tonight in coconut husk chunks so here's hoping.

The second picture is my biggest orchid and that is a downer. But as you can see, something is wrong. It has tiny black flecks of something near the base of the bulbs and I don't know how to get rid of it. It doesn't seem to be progressing but I wish I could make it happier. It will also be re-potted into coconut husk chunks tonight.

I have to resize the other pictures first but these are the first two.

Becca 01-14-2009 12:13 PM

Hey you have a new growth on the one you said is doing the worst...that is a good sign! The second one looks great! The black flecks are probably bacterial. Keep an eye on it and if it starts to spread then spray a Physan 20 mixture on it. The cyms I used to have had tons of black fleck spots on them and they seemed healthy otherwise. Keep up the good work!

let_it_grow 01-14-2009 01:02 PM

I have some similar black flecks on my Cyms and they are doing well. They have been growing nice pbulbs and the roots are good. I also agree with Becca that the new pbulbs are a good sign and they should be producing new roots to sustain it soon

camille1585 01-14-2009 01:16 PM

Me too, my cym has all sorts of flecks and spots that have been there forever, but seems fine. Just keep an eye on them, just in case. As for repotting, Cyms like to be tight in the pots, and the bulbs should be never buried, only have medium up to the base of the bulbs.

They look pretty good so far, so I don't think all hope is lost! Don't forget to soak and rinse the CHC several times before using. I soaked mine 3 days straight, changing the water twice a day. I didn't want to risk anything.

Mama2Raven 01-14-2009 01:36 PM

Oh WOW. thank you all so much. This gives me hope.

I am currently soaking my coconut chunks in water as we speak. Long work day yesterday so it didn't get done.

I think I have a handle on the course of action I need to take and results I expect to see. I'll post more pictures when the plants are doing better.


WhiteRabbit 01-14-2009 02:31 PM

I agree with the others - these don't look bad at all ?
both have new growth. roots will follow, you just need to be patient. I think growth will speed up in the spring.
Keep doing what you have been doing imo!
They will require more frequent watering as weather warms up in spring and summer.
All in all I gotta say :goodjob
keep us updated on your progress

Mama2Raven 01-14-2009 02:44 PM


I was very concerned I was killing them. I had such a long struggle with my very first orchid that now i am kinda obsessive about it since I know I can't get anymore cuttings.

This is good. very good. I can't wait for spring!!!!

Mama2Raven 01-15-2009 10:16 AM

Ok the orchids are in the new CHC. They potted up real nice. I got some more tips from other sites on techniques and such. It went real smooth.

I think the hardest part about growing or trying to help a sick orchid is the waiting. I just don't have the patience.

Will keep all of you posted.

Bob2741 01-17-2009 05:36 AM

I had some trouble simular to you and finally got a starter kit from First Rays Orchids and put it in S/H, 5 months later a lot of healthy roots and a healthy happy plant. You might go to his site there is a lot of great info

Mama2Raven 02-09-2009 06:56 PM

UPDATE: My orchids are doing so much better! :biggrin:

I noticed the roots getting brown and kinda soggy/mushy. So stopped watering them for about 2 weeks. I let the CHC get completely dry. Then I watered them and added some rooting hormone. And when I watered them, I used about a quarter of what I used previously.

I just checked them, and all 4 show signs of new growth! All have white roots with green tips, at least ONE on each. On the biggest one, there are new leaves starting to show.

Thanks for all your help!!!

I will post some pictures when the weather turns nice enough for them to go outside. Later.

lostonthebeach 02-10-2009 12:15 PM

Good to hear of your success, and shall be looking forward to your new Photos.

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