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Junebug 07-17-2008 07:26 PM

Grapewood Mount Doing Well
3 Attachment(s)
On July 3, I received a Schomburgkia Thomsoniana. It was delivered in a crowded 2" pot. I promptly mounted it on a piece of grapewood and within a few days roots began popping out all over the place. I've only done a few mounts and I'm thrilled with the progess of this one. These photos depict a seven day progression of growth.

utah 07-17-2008 11:33 PM

I love the grapewood for mounting too. I usually find some wonderful pieces in the reptile or bird areas of either PetCo or PetSmart. I also love the cork. I'm just having a terrible time with cypress wood so I'm going to be switching the few I have on cypress to grapewood.:duh:

Nice pics - I wish I had your humidity to help my little guys root so fast. I spend three or for times a day running home from work to mist my outside babies. :water

Lucky you! :cheer:

Bird Song Farm 07-18-2008 03:55 AM

Holy Moly, that's one happy plant. Looks great on the grapewood too.

caseydoll 07-19-2008 06:57 PM

Your mount looks fantastic! The orchid seems so happy! Great job! :biggrin:

Junebug 07-19-2008 07:46 PM

Thank's everybody. The black panty hose are just a bit too obvious, but that's all I had. Nylons work great, stretch forever, are easy to tie and are gentle on plants. Hopefully I can cut them off the mount in a few months.

Lorraine 07-19-2008 08:04 PM

Nice mounting Junebug. You got a good piece of wood:biggrin: I really like using the grapewood too. I have a schom mounted on virgin cork and they like that as well. Its hard finding the larger pieces of grapewood but I think Jims Orchid Supply has some bigger pieces still. I picked up a few med size at WOC but they all got used. Haven't tried the panty hose to tie them on . I still like the plastic zip ties and heavy fishing line. Sometimes wire if its too big with the fishline helping out. Let me know when yours blooms. I bought a Thompsoniana in Feb. and have it in a cocoa mat lined basket with tree firn. Can't wait till it blooms:tapfoot:

Junebug 07-19-2008 09:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Lorraine (Post 126949)
Nice mounting Junebug. You got a good piece of wood:biggrin: I really like using the grapewood too. I have a schom mounted on virgin cork and they like that as well. Its hard finding the larger pieces of grapewood but I think Jims Orchid Supply has some bigger pieces still. I picked up a few med size at WOC but they all got used. Haven't tried the panty hose to tie them on . I still like the plastic zip ties and heavy fishing line. Sometimes wire if its too big with the fishline helping out. Let me know when yours blooms. I bought a Thompsoniana in Feb. and have it in a cocoa mat lined basket with tree firn. Can't wait till it blooms:tapfoot:

Thank you, Lorraine. I purchased a Cirr. Rothschildianum a few weeks ago but was having a difficult time finding a good looking mount. EB member UTAH mentioned Petsmart so I followed-up and found a great piece of grapewood (12"T x 5" wide). The shelf tag was listed as lg. driftwood / 8.99. The price rang up as listed on the shelf. :cheer: It's a heavy piece of wood and another local family owned pet shop sells them for 7.00 lb., so in my book this was a good buy. I did the mount earlier this evening and have included a photo.

utah 07-19-2008 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Junebug (Post 126990)
Thank you, Lorraine. I purchased a Cirr. Rothschildianum a few weeks ago but was having a difficult time finding a good looking mount. EB member UTAH mentioned Petsmart so I followed-up and found a great piece of grapewood (12"T x 5" wide). The shelf tag was listed as lg. driftwood / 8.99. The price rang up as listed on the shelf. :cheer: It's a heavy piece of wood and another local family owned pet shop sells them for 7.00 lb., so in my book this was a good buy. I did the mount earlier this evening and have included a photo.

Very nice!!! :groupwave:

I love the pet stores for mounts, small terrariums, lights, and misting equipment.

Way to go!! :Tup:

Swamper 07-19-2008 10:49 PM

OOOOOh beautiful mount. Im glad this thread swung around enough times for me to catch it.Other than on trees I haven't mounted anything. Wait. I mean I haven't mounted any orchids. On mounts.

Junebug 07-19-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127036)
OOOOOh beautiful mount. Im glad this thread swung around enough times for me to catch it.Other than on trees I haven't mounted anything. Wait. I mean I haven't mounted any orchids. On mounts.

Thank you, and thanks for clarifying the mounting thing.:rofl:

montium 07-19-2008 10:55 PM


utah 07-19-2008 11:23 PM

5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127036)
OOOOOh beautiful mount. Im glad this thread swung around enough times for me to catch it.Other than on trees I haven't mounted anything. Wait. I mean I haven't mounted any orchids. On mounts.

I needed a smile. Thanks! :blushing:

BTW - here are some of my pet store grapewood mounts (mounted *orchids*, I should say) :evil:

Pet stores rock!

(the last picture is actually in a terrarium and I just misted it so ignore the sogginess - it dries out within about an hour or so but look at those roots and new growth - it's been about 3 weeks) Grapewood is wonderful!!

Junebug 07-19-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by utah (Post 127055)
I needed a smile. Thanks! :blushing:

BTW - here are some of my pet store grapewood mounts (mounted *orchids*, I should say) :evil:

Pet stores rock!

(the last picture is actually in a terrarium and I just misted it so ignore the sogginess - it dries out within about an hour or so but look at those roots and new growth - it's been about 3 weeks) Grapewood is wonderful!!

You're grapewood mounts look great. Grapewood has so much character and convenient gaps and holes for placing the sphag. I also like the way it readily absorbs water when misted. I have a cork mount too, but my personal preference for now is the GW.

Junebug 07-19-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by utah (Post 127033)
Very nice!!! :groupwave:

I love the pet stores for mounts, small terrariums, lights, and misting equipment.

Way to go!! :Tup:

Thank you. I appreciate your helpful suggestions. Never thought of shopping for misting equipment while I was there.

Swamper 07-20-2008 12:02 AM

Sounds great. I will go to the pet store tomorrow and ask for grapewood. You sold me on it. How much should I expect to spend on a 18 to 20" piece? Approximately

utah 07-20-2008 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127059)
Sounds great. I will go to the pet store tomorrow and ask for grapewood. You sold me on it. How much should I expect to spend on a 18 to 20" piece? Approximately

The first and fourth pictures are of my largest pieces and I never paid above $15 for a piece of grapewood at a pet store.

The 4th picture is difficult to see but there is a HUGE bromeliad on one side and a 'chid on the other - the entire thing stands on its own. I pick them for character. The hanging ones I was lucky enough to find with natural holes in them for hanging.

Check the reptile area first and if you can't find anything there, head to the bird area - there are often a few (sometimes smaller though) for bird perches.

Junebug 07-20-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127059)
Sounds great. I will go to the pet store tomorrow and ask for grapewood. You sold me on it. How much should I expect to spend on a 18 to 20" piece? Approximately

Petsmart had driftwood, grapewood, and some sort of wood from Africa that started with an "M" and coconut halves. The wood came in various shapes and sizes, were displayed in numerous areas of the store, and the pricing was rather vague. I found mine in the reptile/amphibian section and there was no price on the tagged piece of wood...only a tag stuck on the shelf beneath that said Lg. Driftwood 8.99. :scratchhead: I couldn't find a shelf tag that said Grapewood, but was happy it rang up at the driftwood price. They had some really big pieces of GW under the live fish tanks. These were considerably larger and much heavier and were priced from 39.00 to 59.00. There's a popular exotic pet store in town that sells their GW for 7 or 8 bucks a lb.

utah 07-20-2008 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Junebug (Post 127068)
Petsmart had driftwood, grapewood, and some sort of wood from Africa that started with an "M" and coconut halves. The wood came in various shapes and sizes, were displayed in numerous areas of the store, and the pricing was rather vague. I found mine in the reptile/amphibian section and there was no price on the tagged piece of wood...only a tag stuck on the shelf beneath that said Lg. Driftwood 8.99. :scratchhead: I couldn't find a shelf tag that said Grapewood, but was happy it rang up at the driftwood price. They had some really big pieces of GW under the live fish tanks. These were considerably larger and much heavier and were priced from 39.00 to 59.00. There's a popular exotic pet store in town that sells their GW for 7 or 8 bucks a lb.

Mopani. It looks really nice but didn't have the holes and crevices of the grapewood that I could find so I haven't tried it (yet). I went with the natural grapevine - the sandblasted didn't look like it would allow as much root penetration.

The "driftwood" that PetCo has says it is river driftwood (no salt) and is grapewood that has been heat treated. I didn't look that close at PetSmart but I'd imagine they use the same supplier(s).

So many surfaces to mount (for orchids, I mean :evil: ) - so little money to buy more orchids. :roll:

That's why I'll just enjoy y'all's orchids for a while.

Swamper 07-20-2008 11:30 AM

So many mounts so little time huh? I feel ya sista. LOL
I had to do a lot of work around my yard this morning before coming to work so I didn't get a chance. Hopefully during lunch break I'll hop on a bike and take a quick ride to the pet supermarket. I'll show you guys what I get. I am hoping to spend no more than 10 bucks.

Swamper 07-20-2008 01:18 PM

Well I went to 3 diff stores and none of them had grapewood though the last store, a reptile specialty store, had "grapevine" is it the same thing? I ended up getting a piece of driftwood for the terrerium Im putting together,yet another project. The driftwood was too cool looking to pass up. I'll keep looking for grapewood in the meantime and looking forward to my first mount.

Junebug 07-20-2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127173)
Well I went to 3 diff stores and none of them had grapewood though the last store, a reptile specialty store, had "grapevine" is it the same thing? I ended up getting a piece of driftwood for the terrerium Im putting together,yet another project. The driftwood was too cool looking to pass up. I'll keep looking for grapewood in the meantime and looking forward to my first mount.

There's a ebay vendor that sells grapewood starting at around 5.99 and up not including delivery fees. They provide measurements and photos of each piece sitting near an ink pen for size reference.

montium 07-20-2008 01:40 PM

There are also some area bird shows that you can pick some nice pieces up at.

Lorraine 07-20-2008 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Swamper (Post 127173)
Well I went to 3 diff stores and none of them had grapewood though the last store, a reptile specialty store, had "grapevine" is it the same thing? I ended up getting a piece of driftwood for the terrerium Im putting together,yet another project. The driftwood was too cool looking to pass up. I'll keep looking for grapewood in the meantime and looking forward to my first mount.

Grapevine wood is the same as grapewood. The twists and turns make it nice for attaching chids and airplants. Very natural looking. I saw 1 LARGE piece that I would love to have but the price would be prohibitive for most of us. It already had chids and bromiliads attached and growing happily. Anyone living in California, and other areas close to Wine Vinyards can probably get ahold of some. They get rid of the very old non-producing plants. That's where most of it comes from, or so I've been told. Happy hunting:D

No vineyards here in Florida, just the nice weather to grow the chids.

montium 07-20-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lorraine (Post 127186)
Grapevine wood is the same as grapewood. The twists and turns make it nice for attaching chids and airplants. Very natural looking. I saw 1 LARGE piece that I would love to have but the price would be prohibitive for most of us. It already had chids and bromiliads attached and growing happily. Anyone living in California, and other areas close to Wine Vinyards can probably get ahold of some. They get rid of the very old non-producing plants. That's where most of it comes from, or so I've been told. Happy hunting:D

No vineyards here in Florida, just the nice weather to grow the chids.

um... actually there are some Florida Wineries and Vineyards: Marketing Florida Agriculture



utah 07-20-2008 09:23 PM

You can also order it on line from the major pet stores (PetCo and PetSmart for two)

No good wineries around me and it's too far to drive to Moab or Idaho for grapewood so I'm glad that I can pop into the local pet stores. Keep hunting Swamper - you'll find some great pieces.

Lorraine 07-20-2008 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by montium (Post 127246)
um... actually there are some Florida Wineries and Vineyards: Marketing Florida Agriculture



Woohoo!! I never knew. (only lived here 4 years. Might have to contact the one in Homestead. Thanks

thakshila smith 07-20-2008 11:48 PM

You are talking about grapevine wood? Its a creeper I
guess. May be big big logs available there.

montium 07-21-2008 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lorraine (Post 127304)
Woohoo!! I never knew. (only lived here 4 years. Might have to contact the one in Homestead. Thanks

From those I know who have tried it, it's uh... different :rofl:

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