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DirtyCoconuts 11-25-2019 11:00 AM

Other Flowers you like
Clearly we all love us some orchids but what other flowers (or noon-flowering plants) do you enjoy?

i have a few others i like and grow- I love desert roses and have a bunch of varieties of colors and double and triple petal plants.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f68a8cd_4k.jpgOther flowers by J Solo, on Flickr

I don't know what this is scientifically but it is called the "donkey ear plant"
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3ee0f25_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

such cool flower structure, they hag like lanterns
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...598563d_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

it makes little mini plants all long its margins like a Mother of thousands
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9ee83d4_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

Canna Lilly
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8b7c9c1_4k.jpgOther flowers by J Solo, on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fd93f2a_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

Coral Honeysuckle
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8639f96_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1dfb7d9_4k.jpgOther plants by J Solo, on Flickr

Subrosa 11-25-2019 11:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Rhododendron atlanticum, growing in a drier section of my bog. The fragrance is by far my favorite of any native, second only to Cattleya nobilior among tropicals:

camille1585 11-25-2019 12:40 PM

Nice 'other' plants! That coral honeysuckle is spectacular.

Unfortunately I live in an apartment, so it's not easy to grow my favorite non orchids. I really like Hemerocallis since doing an internship at a specialist nursery in my first year of college, and planted several in my mother's garden (no photos).

Now some of my other favorites which I have in pots on our balcony since last year are Agapanthus. I discovered them 4-5 years ago while visiting my boyfriend's family in coastal Brittany and fell in love. I don't have photos of mine since they only made a few flowers in their first year, but this is a photo I took in Brittany.


wisdomseeker 11-25-2019 02:05 PM

A couple that catch my eye every year, that have been established in the backyard for many years (some type of Iris, a hardy water lily, an Amaryllis 'Clown', and Azaleas).

https://i.imgur.com/nm7EulGm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/kKjp7U3m.jpg


https://i.imgur.com/FR7V0exm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/tnXlMJWm.jpg

Have always had a weakness for Tillandsia ionantha

https://i.imgur.com/IGHPDa0m.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Ei9G7hlm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7sBPsMYm.jpg

Leafmite 11-25-2019 09:57 PM

Here are a few I have in bloom right now...
The first are blooms from my Ponderosa 'lemon' which smell fantastic. The second picture shows one of my jasmine sambac's (not sure which variety as I lost the tag). The third are blooms that I accidentally knocked off of my jasmine sambac 'Maid of Orleans'. Last is the Pom tree 'Nana.' These are all plants that bloom year-round for me.

The other houseplants (besides the orchids) are varieties of citrus, some air plants, a Theobroma cacao, a Cinnamon verum tree, a Camellia 'tea' plant, a Sapodilla 'Alano' (a random buy...never have eaten the fruit), two varieties of coffee arabica, String of pearls, two little fig 'Petite Negra' trees, a plumeria, Cestrum nocturnum, three varieties of Passiflora (incarnata and two edulis), two types of banana (an unknown variegated and a ‘Super Dwarf Cavendish’, (neither of which will probably ever give me bananas), a Neem tree, an unknown Pinguicula for gnat control, an avocado tree from seed in a pot with calla lilies, a lavender and an aloe plant. I actually had more plants at one time but I have pared down the collection (jungle) to make it more manageable. There are so many fascinating plants to grow but I have come to realize that I cannot grow everything.

Leafmite 11-25-2019 10:11 PM

I really enjoyed all the pictures but, I admit, I especially liked the pictures showing a few varieties of Tillandsia.

I should really take more pictures of the various flowers I grow but I usually procrastinate....

DirtyCoconuts 11-26-2019 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 905715)
Here are a few I have in bloom right now...
The first are blooms from my Ponderosa 'lemon' which smell fantastic. The second picture shows one of my jasmine sambac's (not sure which variety as I lost the tag). The third are blooms that I accidentally knocked off of my jasmine sambac 'Maid of Orleans'. Last is the Pom tree 'Nana.' These are all plants that bloom year-round for me.

The other houseplants (besides the orchids) are varieties of citrus, some air plants, a Cinnamon verum tree, a Camellia 'tea' plant, a Sapodilla 'Alano' (a random buy...never have eaten the fruit), two varieties of coffee arabica, String of pearls, two little fig 'Petite Negra' trees, a plumeria, Cestrum nocturnum, three varieties of Passiflora (incarnata and two edulis), two types of banana (an unknown variegated and a ‘Super Dwarf Cavendish’, (neither of which will probably ever give me bananas), a Neem tree, an unknown Pinguicula for gnat control, an avocado tree from seed in a pot with calla lilies, a lavender and an aloe plant. I actually had more plants at one time but I have pared down the collection (jungle) to make it more manageable. There are so many fascinating plants to grow but I have come to realize that I cannot grow everything.

Whoa leaf mite you are speaking my language!!!

I am a huge fan of tropicals and fruit trees. I have a small plot of about five dwarf cavendish right now and they are so delicious! The super dwarf is trickier bc they don’t have as much stored energy? Is it potted or in the ground?

I have two avocados, a Florida hass and a brogdon, a Florida peach tree, lychee I forget which kind but delicious, a bunch of pineapple bushes, a Kari carambola (starfruit), jaboticaba, a break of purple sugar cane, a huge mulberry tree, a red mango, a few blackberry vines (no fruit, ever), and some various Passion flower vines

I also have a young coconut tree that’s probably five years from fruit, a nice Barbados cherry bush that the damn rats pick clean before I can ever get a fruit. (My house touches 6 other properties and 1 is a D bag, 5 are amazing....guess who I share the longes border with?? )

I have a small herb garden too but I am not good at herbs for some reason. They either get leggy and flower and become bitter or they die. Oh, and I have a red ginger, a few turmeric a sweet potatoe, all my roots and tubers lol

Leafmite 11-26-2019 09:59 AM

I live here in Ohio so all my tropicals live in pots. They spend the summers outside and come inside for the colder months.

Plants are really my hobby. For a time, I really did try to grow everything but I think I now have a really good collection that brings me joy. Every night, I go to sleep with the fragrance of jasmine...what could be better? :)

DirtyCoconuts 11-26-2019 12:19 PM

i have a night blooming Jasmine right outside of my bedroom window for that very reason!!!! well played

Diane56Victor 11-26-2019 04:14 PM

I also grow Clivia

DirtyCoconuts 11-26-2019 04:18 PM

that's really pretty Diane.

Diane56Victor 11-26-2019 04:23 PM

Thank you. That one is an Interspecific. I do grow the Miniata type as well, those are the standard 'ball on a stick' looking ones.

Roberta 11-26-2019 04:28 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Epiphylums come in incredible colors. They do tend to get large, and alas the flowers only last for about two days at best. But the flowers are as big as dinner plates like 8 -10 inches (20-25 cm). They're also really easy to propagate to share with friends... just cut off a piece, stick in potting soil and it will root.

DirtyCoconuts 11-26-2019 04:40 PM

Great call Roberta! I forgot them. Amazing flowers!

kg5 11-26-2019 07:01 PM

This is an image of Tillandsia Cotton Candy Green Compacta(air plants) in different stages of flowering. Interesting the background has gone black & white. This image is posted elsewhere but thought it would fit nicely on this thread.


Fran20 11-26-2019 07:23 PM

I'd like to see some pics of your desert rose plants.

DirtyCoconuts 11-26-2019 08:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ask and you shall receive

WaterWitchin 11-26-2019 09:28 PM

Oh Good Grief. I'm already a member of plantaholics. Just give me some time to regroup. Meanwhile, keep firing it up. But plants in Florida, SoCal, etc, just ain't fair to us erratic weather folks. BooHooHoooo. ;)

Roberta 11-26-2019 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 905831)
But plants in Florida, SoCal, etc, just ain't fair to us erratic weather folks. BooHooHoooo. ;)

Yeah, but you can grow a bunch of things that have to get cold in the winter, that we can't ... (even orchids... bet you could grow Cypripediums... which I can't...)

DirtyCoconuts 11-27-2019 12:18 AM

Way to try Roberta....the only benefit to the north is the people are nicer. Having been to Santa Barbara a lot, that does not apply there as that is heaven and no one has any reason to bitch lol

As I wore a long sleeve shirt tonight due to the temp plummeting into the 60s, I am probably just in shock from the cold

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

I took a few more Adenium pics and I’ll upload them and post them tomorrow

Roberta 11-27-2019 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 905837)
Way to try Roberta....the only benefit to the north is the people are nicer. Having been to Santa Barbara a lot, that does not apply there as that is heaven and no one has any reason to bitch lol

As I wore a long sleeve shirt tonight due to the temp plummeting into the 60s, I am probably just in shock from the cold[COLOR="Silver"]

I'd be tempted to try to grow Cyps by making a little room in the 'fridge, but I tried that with tulips and failed miserably - thought it was safe to plant them in January and we got a hot spell, they came up, realized that the day length was too short, and maybe one barely bloomed. The next year, nothing. Can't have it all... but I do have to admit there's a whole lot of things that grow easily, so can't complain.

DirtyCoconuts 11-27-2019 12:35 PM

bigger and more pics of the Adeniums

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f805934_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...15c95a6_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 PM ----------

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1dd24fb_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...781ada4_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4488fc8_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

this is a full shot of one of the Coral Honeysuckle plants at night, the flash is a bit washed so sorry about the loss of brilliance on the blooms but i am mostly able to garden at night

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1631e90_4k.jpgRose of the desert by J Solo, on Flickr

Mountaineer370 11-27-2019 03:26 PM

I'm not much of an outdoor gardener. It's mostly houseplants for me. I have African violets that seem to like living alongside my orchids, and a couple of Christmas cacti (sorry, I have two different varieties and I can't give you scientific names). I have a jade plant that I have had for almost 50 years. It produced flowers once or twice in that time. :biggrin:

Leafmite 12-08-2019 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 905785)
i have a night blooming Jasmine right outside of my bedroom window for that very reason!!!! well played

I have Cestrum nocturnum, too! I love that lovely fragrance when it blooms. Unfortunately, I had to give it a drastic trim to fit under the lights so it will take a little while to begin blooming again.

I took pictures last week (?) of two more that I discovered were blooming...my may pop and the butterwort. The mini orange tree 'Autumn Gold' is blooming, too. The maypop always has a nice fragrance and the butterwort keeps any fungus gnats under control.

Currently, the Brassavola nodosa is blooming so it is overpowering the Jasmine at night while the orange tree wins the day (now that Phal bellina flower is finished).

DirtyCoconuts 12-08-2019 11:56 PM

That flower is clearly from another planet!?! Wow

I think that is a lovely conflict to have and to observe....olfactorily!

Diane56Victor 12-09-2019 12:25 AM

The UFO bloom looks like the flowers on a passionfruit vine

Leafmite 12-09-2019 12:38 AM

Yes, it is Passiflora incarnata. I also have two Passiflora edulis vines but they are not blooming right now...though one still has fruit taking its time to ripen.

---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 906539)
That flower is clearly from another planet!?! Wow

I think that is a lovely conflict to have and to observe....olfactorily!

I really love fragrant plants and it has been fun. The Phal bellina had been filling up the kitchen with a floral fragrance every day while in bloom and I really miss that...but it is a serial bloomer so the next bud should open soon. Jasmine sambac blooms constantly so it is one of my favorite plants. And I love the leaves of my cinnamon tree though the flowers are removed immediately (they stink!).

Diane56Victor 12-09-2019 03:22 AM

There is a Youtube video on the different passionfruit vine blooms, close up and personal.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Passion Flowers - YouTube

DirtyCoconuts 12-09-2019 08:21 AM

I keep a lot of my plants as butterfly hosts. As such I’ll never see a flower on my passionvines or milk weeds....let’s just say the day moths do their job!!!

DirtyCoconuts 12-12-2019 01:35 PM

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dd231c0_4k.jpgMagnum development by J Solo, on Flickr
this little guy is a ground cover/vine that i have mostly ignored my entire life

today i was meandering through the front yard and i spotted this tiny flower and little bud...i was impressed enough to want to share it....

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...689a2cb_4k.jpgMagnum development by J Solo, on Flickr

Roberta 12-12-2019 01:51 PM

Super cute! It looks a lot like one that I have that I got as "Moses In the Bullrushes" though when I google that name I find it with white flowers. So much for "common names" ... but I think it is in the Wandering Jew family. Mine grows in a hanging basket, loses some growths in cold weather but comes right back. Easily roots from cuttings so it's a good one to share. (In fact, I "shared back" a piece of it to the person who gave it to me and then lost hers... sharing plants is a form of backup!)

DirtyCoconuts 12-12-2019 01:58 PM

i agree about it being related to the Wandering Jew.i have that growing all over the place. lots of fun to just throw purple anywhere you want.

this does not have the green underside or the subtle variegation of the traditional wandering jew

Roberta 12-12-2019 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 906856)
i agree about it being related to the Wandering Jew.i have that growing all over the place. lots of fun to just throw purple anywhere you want.

this does not have the green underside or the subtle variegation of the traditional wandering jew

Same for mine. There is sometimes very dark green near the end of the leaves toward the stem when the light is low (like this time of year) but basically, leaves are pretty solid purple.

OrchidBro 12-12-2019 02:34 PM

I believe that is a Tradescantia pallida, AKA Purple Heart. They grow like weeds in Florida.

Roberta 12-12-2019 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by OrchidBro (Post 906859)
I believe that is a Tradescantia pallida, AKA Purple Heart. They grow like weeds in Florida.

Thanks! That looks like a perfect match to my plant. Not quite as "weedy" in California where it is cooler, but still grows well. ("Humidity" and "rain" come out of the end of a hose where I live, but then we would not be able to grow much besides cactus without that little bit of help)

SaraJean 12-20-2019 11:27 AM

Oh how did I not see this thread!

Pentas, petunias, snapdragons, sweet asylum and pretty
much any old timey flower that looks good in an overgrown basket

Old English roses (David Austin roses in particular). Not a lot of these do well in my climate but there are a few and they are worth the struggle. This is my Wollerton Old Hall that has the most beautiful fragrance with a flower that fades from an apricot color to a soft cream.

Hibiscus! Big, fluffy, colorful hibiscus that keep the summer color going but usually bloom almost year round

My favorite winter bloomer, the Camellia. We are solidly in Camellia season right row and they are absolutely everywhere. These have always been one of the easiest for me to grow

Begonias. I struggle with lighting. The balcony is scorching and the courtyard is super shady with high walls. These work perfectly downstairs and I adore their old fashioned charm. This is my much loved Begonia Jim’s Cotton Candy, a huge plant (about 4.5 feet tall now), with pretty leaves and fluffy clouds of light pink flowers


DirtyCoconuts 12-21-2019 07:33 PM

I forgot all about hibiscus! I love them too and gardenia!!

Your yard looks lovely

DirtyCoconuts 12-30-2019 10:59 AM

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b33bb67_4k.jpgMatch head by J Solo, on Flickr

matchstick brom. i have no idea the actual name

Selmo 12-30-2019 04:43 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Don’t grow them for their flowers, we grow them for their leaves. Hosta are about one of the least finicky plants you will find. Don’t mind the type of soil, just give them a little sun and keep watered and they will reward you.

DirtyCoconuts 12-30-2019 06:05 PM

Those are really cool, Selmo! In the second pic, the wife ones on the far left are my favorite but so many striking leaves

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