Figured out the actual name, Wilmotteara [Wmt.] Hamlyn's Glory. Took a little poking around in Orchidwiz to find a part of the name that was correct. Really interesting cross of a big plant (Myrmecophila, Schomburgkia) and a little one (Cattlytonia)
Now it is easier to make suggestions...First, it looks like a really happy plant, in the Cattleya group. If you have room to leave it as is, it is doing great. The fact that it is growing so well outside of the pot is evidence that it really doesn't want to be in one. If you can easily remove the existing pot, you could just drop the whole thing into a big wooden basket. Or leave it in the existing pot, put the whole thing (pot and all ) into that wood basket. (Think of the wood as a three-dimensional mount, new roots will probably grab onto it) These love to dry out between waterings, which is what, no doubt, is happening. Big, strong plants make more flowers than small, weak ones. So if it were my plant, I'd let it grow and ramble. If you do need to divide it, make sure that you have at least 3 or 4 pseudobulbs per division (the more the better). It can create new growths from the old part (back division), sometimes. But really, if you can accommodate it, I see no reason to break it up, and good reasons to just let it be and put on a good show for you.
Last edited by Roberta; 07-23-2018 at 05:39 PM..