Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots
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Old 06-24-2017, 02:41 AM
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots Female
Default Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots

I am in love with my new Den. Samarai, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to keep it happy. The roots are growing entirely down the side of the pot and under it, so the plant can't stand on a flat surface. Right now I have it sort of shoved into a decorative pot, but I'm afraid that the roots are getting squished.

Does anyone have suggestions of how to repot? I thought of dropping the existing plastic pot into a larger pot with medium between them, but I'm not sure about leaving the plant in its current medium (which appears to be styrofoam peanuts on the bottom and somewhat elderly medium bark on the top). I was also considering cutting off the existing pot and putting the plant in a basket and trying to sort of let the roots hang down through the slats, but I'm not sure how well that would work, especially since the plant is quite tall and top-heavy.

Thoughts on those ideas or other solutions greatly appreciated!
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Old 06-24-2017, 03:21 AM
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots Male

Go with your first thought. You are probably figuring out these become pretty large. The old medium probably consists of very large chunks of bark and still has air flow even as it breaks down.
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Old 06-24-2017, 03:42 AM
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots Female

Originally Posted by estación seca View Post
Go with your first thought. You are probably figuring out these become pretty large. The old medium probably consists of very large chunks of bark and still has air flow even as it breaks down.
Thank you! Dumb question - I've read that Phal air roots don't want to be shoved into media. Will dendrobium roots that have been out in the air adapt OK as long as the medium isn't too dense?

I can see the wisdom of putting the pot into something wide and shallow like a bulb pan for a plant like this. Sadly that will have to wait for my husband to finish rebuilding the stairs into the back yard, so I can take it over with orchids. Er...I mean, so I can free up space in the living room by moving some of the larger sun-lovers outdoors.
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Old 06-24-2017, 04:49 PM
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots Female

Originally Posted by Lady Oscar View Post
Thank you! Dumb question - I've read that Phal air roots don't want to be shoved into media. Will dendrobium roots that have been out in the air adapt OK as long as the medium isn't too dense?

I can see the wisdom of putting the pot into something wide and shallow like a bulb pan for a plant like this. Sadly that will have to wait for my husband to finish rebuilding the stairs into the back yard, so I can take it over with orchids. Er...I mean, so I can free up space in the living room by moving some of the larger sun-lovers outdoors.
First, there are no dumb questions! Let's look at the reasoning behind these dicta... Phal air roots don't want to be soggy (having adapted to air), and they tend to be very stiff, so break if they are forced into a pot. Den roots follow the same pattern. If the medium is open enough (like large bark)to provide ample air and the pot is big enough to not snap the roots that are moved into it, no worries on either count. When you have roots that are going all over the place, best to just leave outside the pot those that won't easily go in . Best of both worlds. Roots that are climbing out of the pot probably just didn't want to be there because it was too wet, or just want air on general principles.
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Old 06-25-2017, 12:41 PM
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Need help figuring out how to accommodate Dendrobium Samarai roots Female

Thanks! I will let the roots surrounding the pot just be in the medium, then.
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