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Orchid roots have a skinny thread, the real root, surrounded by a cork-like, spongy layer of water absorbing velamen. There is a good chance the roots you pulled apart were healthy.
It sounds like your plant had one healthy, leafy, new, blooming growth, and two older growths with dead or no leaves?
Cymbidiums do better as larger clumps of pseudobulbs. People recommend leaving at least 2-3 back bulbs attached to a new growth when dividing. Most people keep them as much larger plants than this. Often, due to their size, they are sold as 2 back bulbs with one blooming growth, but this is a very small plant.
Dividing them into individual growths is possible. Most back bulbs will produce new roots and growth. But it will be years before a single back bulb blooms again.
Use the Search function in the above maroon menu,, Advanced Search, and look for the term "repot" and the user name Cym Ladye. You will find threads dealing with repotting and dividing Cymbidiums.