Old bark mix
Hello everyone!
I have a Cat. walkeriana that I've had for years and has NEVER flowered! It is quite big, about 12-15 bulbs, nice and healthy roots, puts out new growths all the time, but no blooms..
I don't think it's a light issue as its unshaded in a south facing window and the leaves get little purple spots on them which I've read is an indication that it's receiving a good amount of light. I have had great success with oncidiums in the same location.
I also have it on a day/night thermostat so I don't think it's anything to do with the diurnal range. It's usually about 15 degrees C at night and 25-30 in the day.
The only thing I can think it that the potting media (bark chips) is breaking down and producing a lot of nitrogen which is suppressing blooming and just causing he plant to keep putting out new growths. Does this happen?
I haven't repottednit in about 2 or 3 years, just because it seemed to be fine.. But now I'm thinking otherwise.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!