Good job!
As a side note, reblooming has a small probability to be affected by repoting. It's more related with temp and light cycle. As far as I know they need a temp drop at night to rebloom.
Good job!
As a side note, reblooming has a small probability to be affected by repoting. It's more related with temp and light cycle. As far as I know they need a temp drop at night to rebloom.
Ah yes I agree as well. I meant hopefully they will rebloom in the upcoming year of receiving better care. As Spring is almost upon us, I think it may be too late for a rebloom this year.
---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------
Originally Posted by jkofferdahl
Good point - you don't want the leaves to get wrinkles or to droop too much. Phals can recover from that but a lot of monopodial orchids won't. Can you mist the exposed roots? That will help. Still, keep it watered enough that the leaves don't droop further, and recognize that it can take a while for them to rebuild the lost hydration.
Yes I have been misting them daily in the mornings and occasionally at night. They have already been improving significantly and hopefully they will fully recover after they get used to the new medium
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