In my experience with phals, some roots are going to die after repotting, it's just unavoidable, and when you see that resist the temptation to uproot it and just leave the plant alone. It will grow new roots, it just takes time and careful watering.
I'm now proactive when I repot, I cut off many live roots that I predict will die, usually they're the ones nearest to the bottom of the stem and are starting to turn beige.
Those phals you have are no problem, I would just clean the roots well and make sure to remove all that brown leftover root around the bottom and pot them up normally and place them somewhere permanently-- East window is good but they can burn if they're not acclimated, it sounds like that's what happened with your paph. I would put a shade up for a while. With those phals I would not water the whole pot once a week, I would mist the roots at the top of the media and the stem area where new roots are going to come out (avoiding the crown), let's say every other day, or however often to keep the top of the pot lightly moist. If it only had short roots I wouldn't even water the entire pot but once every 2 weeks or more until it put new roots down into the pot.