Never repotted an orchid in my whole life before I started my repotting bonanza last year.
Thanks for all the advices and support on this forum- all my phalaenopsis are now repotted and will be fine until next year atleast.
So, to summarize it all, here are all my phalaenopsis today, and how they looked before repotting. Some repotted this year, some from last year.
Not blooming atm, but I actually consider the flowers a nice bonus, its the plant and roots I find fascinating. All of them blooms every year.
My collection of phalaenopsis from today:
(I try to pot them the direction it feels natural for the individual plant, so some are more to the side than others.)
Number 1
This one have big, rounded leaves. Shiny and very firm leaves. (So they dont hang because its not firm, it just like hanging like that for some reason).
Number 2
Like number one- a bit darker. Really shiny plant.
Number 3
This one is a bit odd. It has both short and rounded leaves, and then it has some really long leaves.
When it flowers its really amazing (the white "angel" flowers earlier in the thread).
Number 4
This one has a bit thinner leaves, and are not shiny at all. I think I got this last year, so not sure if its another kind or maybe it will be more shiny when new leaves arrive.
Number 5
This one likes to lean all the way to the side, and got some bumps here and there- but well, its a charmy one.
Number 6
This doesnt look like much- lost some leaves after getting sick last year. Seem to be doing okay now. This I like because of the dark color- flowers are so dark purple it almost looks black. Not round leaves- more long and thin.
Number 7 &8
Mother and keiki. Been having some troubles since last year. And someone left a window open during -16 celsius- so almost frozen to death last week. Not happy, but it seems to be bouncing back. Will pot it after it has recovered a bit more
Number 9
Really big and heavy. Lol- outgrew its pot, and well- been repotted, but back into the bucket. Need to find a big glass vase and keep it the same way as plant number 10
Spikes are about as thick as my fingers. Impressive when it blooms
Number 10
I just love this one. Kinda looks like brain in a jar😜😂
This one has always been growing in all kind of direction, and it grows spikes from odd places, as can be seen in the first photo. (I dont think this spike will flower, cause it gets soaked everytime I give this beauty a bath)
From when it was still in a pot, all overgrown:
Will cut this stem of, after reading here that it is safe to do
This actually seem to like being in this glass vase- so it never moved from this into a pot. I just love the roots to much to hide them in a pot.
So there you go. My project "repotting overgrown phals" are done😃
I think I did a pretty good job, have been reading a lot here before I started.
I also learnt that orchids actually can be handle pretty roughly without being harmed. They are incredible adaptable- lol, or they wouldnt have survived all those years without proper care in my house.