I bought a Psychopsis Mariposa this week which is planted in a soil-like medium with a sphagnum plug in the middle.
I have seen this type of potting before in nursery grown plants. It holds moisture and drains well and I can see why the nursery likes to use it but it makes me nervous.
I really want to repot the plant but I understand Psychopsis doesn't take well to repotting.
Does anyone have any opinions/experiences about leaving it in this type of medium?
The Psychopsis Mendenhall I have has been in med bark approx.6 yrs with 1 spike and another coming. At a recent club mtg someone mentioned they prefer a moister medium-even using more moss in a mix and standing a pot in water. I'll most likely go that route as I think my leaves are a bit dessicated. Yes I've heard they don't like repotting but after a bit of division 6 mos ago due to a rotted pbulb, there's a new spike popping up!