Hi everyone,
I just received an Oncidium Lemon Heart 'Baby Face,' delivered from Hawaii. It came with essentially one plant growing on top of another, like so:
My problem is, first off, I live in a desert-ish climate in northern CA, so those aerial roots are going to die. I need to divide and repot and try to turn the roots on the aerial plant into non-aerial roots.
Unfortunately, the aerial portion of the plant only has two mature pseudobulbs and one still-maturing one. I realize that three is the accepted minimum, but in this case the only logical division is to take the aerial portion off.
How do I do this? I've never divided a plant before, and I really don't want to harm this thing. Can I even do it in this case, since there aren't really three full p-bulbs on the part I want to take off?
Any advice would be appreciated!