My phalaenopsis is 7-8 years old now. I am wondering what is the usual action at this point for most people. Leave it as is (after trimming off the dead stem from the last bloom and a few dead roots) or cut off the top and repot just for improved looks? I just removed it's baby from this side earlier today. The older leaves are really long and the whole plant leans.
my vote is to just clean it up a little and don't cut the stem. i personally like the way a long stem looks and it looks like it still has healthy green leaves by the bottom.
I would trim back the dead spikes (what you called stems) and if you just took off a keiki that took up a lot of space in the pot, a repot might not go amiss. Other than that, looks great!
The stem on a Phalaenopsis is the braided looking part where the leaves meet. Hope this helps!
Last edited by RandomGemini; 03-17-2015 at 09:50 AM..