Today I stopped by the nursery and found a marked down,huge zygo. Since it's a new genus for me I was intrigued. For $10 I bought it. I think it's a zygo?? Anyway, when I got it home I saw it was horribly root bound and have been working at finding the media in this huge mass of intertwined, healthy roots for hours now. My question is how snug should this by in the new pot and is bark O.K?
Photos would help. I personally do not like to Shove roots into a small pot. I like to get a pot that have some room for mix and growth. The roots should be snug in the pot with room for growth.
Bark mix would be ok if you are going to use a plastic pot. I find bark drys out fast. Fresh bark mix does not hold moisture like old bark mix will. So I like to mix spagnum moss in with bark. Since I live in Tahoe and here on the west coast it is dry. The right mix depends so much on your climate I think. If you can't find moss mixing in a little bit of potting soil with your bark will help keep in moisture and Zygos like to be mist.
Last edited by snowflake311; 11-18-2014 at 01:11 PM..
Thanks. I did exactly that. I mixed in some spaghnum moss with the bark and used a pot I thought was too big until I put the roots in. It had an enormous amount of roots. I wasn't to sure I did the right thing so I appreciate your help.