New Bare Root Miltonia (?)
Wow, I have just been gifted this weekend (very generously!) with this bare root Miltonia (I THINK that is what it is anyway...I could be wrong even) division. I have it in an empty terra cotta pot outside in the shade and am drenching the roots once every morning. I planned on potting it up in a small bark mix, like the paph mix from Repotme that I have, but when I went to do it I was at a loss. There are 3 "levels" to this...a lower level with a couple pseudobulbs and roots, a middle level where the new growth is sticking out horizontally with new roots, and an upper level with a pseudobulb and roots. To fit this is a pot and have all roots in media I think I would have to bury the bottom pseudobulbs.
Any advice on how to pot this up? I have never mounted anything but could give it a would lay on a mount nicely. Would it work to mount a Miltonia in blazing hot florida if I watered it profusely every morning? I am wondering if it is too hot here for a Miltonia outside. I would rather pot it up but want to give it the best chance as I have never grown one of these. I have been studying culture notes like crazy of course though.
Thanks very much for any advice.
Last edited by Ginger9899; 07-14-2014 at 12:13 PM..