Wow! Could that Phal be any healthier than it is? NO!

Hard to believe, given where you got it, but it seems it was growing in a clear pot? Given the green roots, meaning they had to be exposed to light.
Now, were I you, I would move it up to a larger pot....esp given the medium you use does not retain water too much. First, of course, get rid of all the existing medium and gently untangle the roots.
When I repot a Phal with long, healthy roots, after untangling them, I center it in the new pot and just rotate it so that the roots swirl into place as I lower it, before I start adding my medium.
While many people think we should use shallow pots for our orchids, my experience belies that, and the fab Phal you depict confirms that standard deep pots can be perfect.
I've never used your chosen medium....but, bet you have it down and it works perfectly for you.
We only have one kinda faux Home Depot here in Manhattan....not sure if offers orchids, but I now kinda wish we had a real one that did.
Congrats again, boy, you done GOOD!!!!!