My Phals (all five of them) are from Grocery Stores and are the verity “Water With Ice” (which I don’t). The potting medium seems to be a very densely packed moss which seems to retain moisture for an extremely long time; it doesn’t seem to me to be very air friendly.
The first one I got has some (not too many) brown, desiccated roots above the potting one of which has developed a fuzzy mold. I’ve been reluctant to repot any of the five since they are in full flower but with this development I don’t see any alternative.
I got some sphagnum moss but after reading more on OB I decided to get something with bark in it. Two days ago I began soaking some in water (again, advised by OB members) and after 48 hours soaking this morning will start re-potting it.
With that in mind below are a number of images of my potting equipment. Somewhere I have very small side cutters I got when I was into plastic automobiles. Can’t seem to locate them now so will probably look to get small scissors.
Today, Saturday, I got down to the business of repotting the first (and smallest) Phal. This is an experiment for me so I hope I’ve done it correctly.
As I said there was some white, fuzzy stuff around the total top, not a lot but enough so if you looked closely you could see it.
I bought some drinking cups at the grocery store and modified with openings around the sides and bottom. In this image you can see the relationship to the original ceramic container, (thought I’d taken a picture of the Phal in it’s original cup but apparently I didn’t.
This image is of the container with the holes I melted in with a small soldering iron next to the ceramic pot the Phal came in.
Here are a couple of images of the fuzz, the first on the root I’d mentioned and the second on the other side of the pot also shows it in it’s original plastic container.
Fourth image
I was a bit concerned about the saph sticking to the roots, almost as if glued to them; it was difficult to get off. Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of the roots after cleaning them up. However I did have to trim some roots and, damn forgot to put some cinnamon on the cut ends but liberally doused it in H2O2 then watered it and drained it on some paper towels.
Hope it is not too stressed but I’ll just have to wait to see.