Repotting a Phal in Bloom into a Dual Pot
I have a Phal I purchased about a month ago, it came blooming and is still in full bloom. However, it came potted in really old sphagnum moss and I am worried about the roots. Although last week I unpotted the plant and at least some roots looked ok, I am seeing the aerial roots rotting and dying and the leaves are losing their firmness slightly. So I've decided it would be a good idea to repot. I just received my rePotme order of orchid potting mix (mix of bark/sponge rock/sphagnum moss) and the pot I selected, an Oxygen Core Dual pot. Does anyone here have any experience with this type of pot? Being a newbie who has never repotted an orchid, let alone one in full bloom, I have watched a number of repotting videos and I think by now I have a pretty good idea what to do, but none of the videos use this type of pot. If you have any experience or advice for a scared newb, please share it!