I previously had this one potted in a mixture of sphagnum and styrofoam, trying to be careful to not have the sphagnum too tightly-packed. This seemed like a good idea because with sphagnum, I could stick my finger down more easily than with bark to feel for moisture before watering.
Well, that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped because as it turns out, dry sphagnum is not only extremely light, causing the plant to constantly attempt to tip out of the pot, but apparently it also crumbles, and the little bits can get into the air and into your eyes when you so much as move the pot to go water it.
So now it gets bark, now that I've actually got new bark. I'll have to be very careful to keep it hydrated, but I read that if you didn't soak the bark beforehand, you can still sit the pot in water for a while (like an hour, I think?) each time you water the plant, until the bark gains water retention. Which is sort of like what I've already been doing with my African violet by accident anyway, bottom-watering and then forgetting to empty the saucer until a few hours later.