When Brooke weighs in...you better listen! Really Brooke, you must have a lot of love for your plants, because whenever you post a photo it looks amazing! I grow outdoors without a greenhouse, and now because of your advice I am thinking the treefern mounts can help higher humidity plants (like cattleya luteola after all.)
I have 2 small Sobennikoffia robusta, and a much larger Angcm. sesquipedale, which can still grow a LOT, though in addition to the plaques I also have a treefern totem that needs a plant (or as many Tolumnias as I can stuff onto it...though now I am thinking they would prefer wood...am I right??)
A vining type would look nice, I am hoping to get Angcm. leonis, dollii, vigueri, or eichlerianum.
I also already have an Angcm. calceolus and Angcm. didieri with keikis I could use.
Last edited by gravotrope; 03-20-2014 at 01:09 PM..