Originally Posted by MattWoelfsen
I have my Peristeria elata planted in fine bark mixed with coal, sponge rock, bits of sphagnum moss. I recommend you also consider using a smaller pot with good drainage. If you can get a clear plastic pot, you will have the ability to monitor the plant's roots. The pot pictured is too large. Can't tell how big the pbulb is but use a pot that will be an inch or two larger around the plant.
Sorry for the threadjack- Matt, I just got a Peristeria elata in a 6" pot but it's broken out of it- 3 bulbs and a new growth starting. It's in spike but I want to repot- when you say fine bark, how small are you talking? I'm running low on medium but I do have some seedling mix from repot me- I think it might be too fine though. It's extra small orchiata, turface MVP, rice hulls, and fine petals sphagnum. The other mix that might work is an oncidium mix (small orchiata, turface MVP, small granite chips, small black lava rock) but I also have a million oncs to repot this weekend. But the elata takes priority since the pot is broken and it's falling out.
And then...I have a metric ton (ok not really but a lot) of horticultural charcoal (small) and I could pick up some perlite this weekend at Lowe's and hope they have some fine bark rather than gigantic coarse stuff...
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