Dendrophylax funalis mounting/potting?
Got one yesterday in Miami, bare root. My last one got rot and died either due to physan or the condo dumpster outside. It is a dumpster that is next to another dumpster about 5 feet from my plants so i'm surprised it was the only one.
They're all safe from the dumpsters now since we got the house in August. I moved them all and used a willow trellis nailed to a fence to hang all mounts and pots. The fence faces south but there's an areca palm providing bright shade and dappled sunlight across the whole 10 foot stretch of trellis.
I was looking for those flat baskety thingies that some use for Vandas but couldn't find one, then realized I have an unused 24" treefern totem (that I was saving for tolumnias), two 11" New Zealand treefern plaques, and one 22" cypress bark that I was saving for ferns, but I can also use some Bucida buceras limbs/twigs if need be, or some cork I guess.
Does anyone know what works best? also there is a live oak in the backyard that was just transplanted ($500) but has yet to lose all its leaves and recover so it's a bit early to be mounting things to it...