Here is how oncids and their cousins grow. From the bottom of the old pbulbs come new growth in spring. Or anytime they are kept warm and given bright light. They grow roots from the new growth when it is about 1/3 grown. Oncids like small pots. They do "not" like their roots messed with. They do not like wet stagnant conditions. Their roots, as you found out, are thin and easily damaged. Damaging their roots will set them back for a season. Most likely unless you give this plant perfect conditions it will not bloom next season. Place these plants in a bright medium light and keep them warm. Do not over water them. Let them dry out for a week (will not hurt them a bit). Lift the pots and "feel" how light they are. Now water them for 1 and 1/2 mins under the faucet. After they are thoroughly soaked, lift them and "feel" how heavy they are. Now you will never have to guess if they need watering. Let them dry to just damp. Don't water them until they are almost dry.