So, a couple weeks ago, I had been asking around OB what orchid(s) I should get as my first non-Phals. Well, apperently I wasn't going to have a choice because days later, I attended my first ever society meeting which also happened to be their annual auction.
I bid for and won a Phal. equestri var. rosea 'Harford' HCC/AOS x bellina 'Ponkan' AM/AOS (I'm just typing what the tag says lol)
I also won an orchid thru a raffle and another was given to me as a gift. hah! I ony walked out spending $30. Go me!
Those are:
(as stated on the tags, verbatim)
Mtssa Leopard Glo
[Mtssa Olmec X Brs caudata]
Pot Dr Harry Gallis Pot
Beaufort Gold X Little Toshie
Both of these seem to be in-between orchids and I am having a tough time finding culture info on the interwebs. I did find out that Pot = Potinara
For both of these orchids, I would like to know, comparatively to Phals::
1. Light
2. When to water?
(wait til completely dry, almost, keep moist?)
3. Anything special to make bloom?
(Change of light, temp, water, fert?)
4. When to repot?
(I know almost nothing about non-Phals but I assume to wait until done blooming? Does there have to be extra growth going on too?)
5. What to repot in?
(Currently in moss. I do know I should get a wider pot since these are sympodial)
6. Which end is older?
(Smaller pseudobulbs = newer? or is that not always the case? I can tell which on the Mtssa)
My environment::
Currently growing under CFL bulbs in those brooder clamp lights only (no sun), in my kitchen and guest bathroom.
No idea what my humidity is in the AC/Heated house.
Temps 67 night, 74 ish day, warmer in bathroom.
-Regarding the Potinara, it's leaves are like plastic, really rigid. Is that normal?
-Also, both the Mtssa and Pot have black/brown speckles on leaves. Not sure what from.
**Please signify which orchid you're referring to when giving advice as to its needs.**
Pretend I know absolutely nothing.
Thanks for ANY help you can give me.
I know I posted this in the repot section. That's my main concern since I think I'll need to soon, but I also need to know how to take care of them.
Sorry so wordy..............