Hi guys! I recently acquired this adorable mini Phal. (tiniest blooms I've ever seen, peloric, cause for another discussion

). It was, as usual, packed in very tightly in sphag and placed in one of those plastic... things. Naturally, I removed at least half the sphag and I'm still keeping it in the same thing, placed in a glass vase for support. I water it weekly, take it out and mist the aerial roots daily. I'm thinking of skipping the plastic thing though, leaving it in VERY light moss and just
misting regularly inside the glass. Maybe take it out for some air occasionally. What say you, experts? I've been successful in a similar manner with another mini Phal placed in a glass bowl and bark mix, I mist on top of it daily when the top dries and the bottom (no drainage) is kept evenly moist, but never really wet. I'm monitoring it closely and it seems to be really working- got a lot of new root and foliage growth after a year of struggling to keep the thing alive. It's a dry climate here and the (new) plant will be near a constantly open window during the summer with strong air circulation. Should I give it a go, or plant in fine bark and moss in an orchid pot (can't imagine finding one in my town, but I'll do my best


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