Thank you, David...
I'll do as you advise and wait another year to repot, probably in lava rock solely if you think that is a good choice. Hopefully I can monitor the new growth then (hopefully there will be some) and repot at the correct time.
I've used a hammer and chisel several times before on a clay pot to remove a stubborn plant that would not come out otherwise, but I had no idea that roots could be saved by simply repotting them into the new pot with the existing chard attached. I'm sure I've damaged quite a few roots in the past...even when I tried to pry them away from the pot with a case knife, so I'm looking forward to trying your trick next time I'm in that situation.
I appreciate your reply and advice,
Originally Posted by DavidCampen
It is a bit late to repot the catt. From the photo I can see that it started growing a flush of new roots a month or two ago and then (or even just before no root growth starts) would have been the best time for repotting. Since it is in mostly inorganic media that does not rapidly degrade, I think that it would be best to wait untill next year to repot. When you do repot, what I would do is use a hammer and cold chisel to break apart the pot so as to do as little damage as possible to the existing roots; it can be repotted with pieces of the old pot still attached to the roots.