A few years ago I decided to try Vandas after reading the 'Vandas in Vases' article. Initially I had good results with that technique but after a couple of years it was apparent that they were on the decline. Not much root growth and shriveling leaves.
The next summer I tried them bareroot in clay pots and stuck them next to the misters. That got some response, root growth and leaves looked better.
Unfortunately that works only in summer when they are in my greenhouse. Inside my house during winter is dryer plus I don't water them as often as I should.
Last spring I made cedar baskets (not as professional looking as Al's

) and filled them with large lava rock - 2 inch average.
The plants are happily filling the voids and basket openings with roots. More importantly this growth has continued throughout the winter indoors. I soak them every 3 days or so. The cedar stays damp and the rocks hold moisture but there is lots of air circulation.
I don't know what the long term outcome will be but this is the best solution I've found for the Vanda situation.