I picked some up at a landscaping supply yard. It was in a pile, frozen solid! The worker at the yard had to use a hammer to chip out big icy chunks and put them in a bag for me. Then I put the bag on the bare concrete floor in my basement, on the floor drain, and it thawed overnight. The joys of Canadian winters (Vancouver Island notwithstanding

So I put a few rocks in a wire basket, and the wire basket in a laundry bin, in the bathtub. Poured tap water to cover the tops of the rocks. The water in the laundry basket turned deep red - no kidding there's a lot of dust on these! We dumped a few laundry basket loads in the back yard (have to be careful not to dump the water onto patio stones, or they will remain red for a long time!) before the water ran reasonably clear. I'm still getting a bit of red sediment every time I shake the basket.
I'm a little concerned about this lava rock, since the same landscaping supply yard sells a lot of road salt this time of year, so there could be some cross-contamination. I hope the soaking got rid of any salt that might have been there.
I'm almost ready to use the rock - I just made a cedar basket for my currently naked vanda, so we'll see how it goes.