Cattleyas with lots of dead roots but new growths
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Cattleyas with lots of dead roots but new growths
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:24 AM
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Cattleyas with lots of dead roots but new growths Male

But until the new growths put out new roots, they are using the energy stores in the older pbulbs and watering may be detrimental to the existing roots depending on the temps during the night. Be careful and water in the morning so the media can dry by nightfall. Those new growths can get rot in a jiffy. I'd rather water very sparingly than lose those new growths. In another thread somewhere here the writer kept losing the new leads on her catt and initial overwatering was the main reason though I didn't respond to that thread but should have. My catts do very well with little watering in even with the mildly low temps here. When spring time comes they take off and bloom just fine. All I'm saying is to be very cautious with your watering. The older velamin soaks in water and the roots don't use it very fast. Then it sits there as a perfect environment for bateria and fungus to incubate. The plant isn't using water a lot in the low temps and low light levels so doesn't need a lot of water. The older pbulbs aren't taking in water like newer growth because they aren't growing and don't need it. Once the older growths stop producing and storing sugars they slow down their absorption of water and nutrients quite a bit. They are stores for the newer leads. In a greenhouse environment like a commericial enterprise the humidity, warmth, and light levels can be controlled somewhat extending the energy storage of the older pbulbs but in most hobby settings, the energy uptake has all but ceased by this time. Just look at the wrinkling in the pics. This plant is doing very well. Slow down your watering quite a bit and wait for warmer weather and light levels. Then watch this take off. Those new leads aren't going to grow very fast right now as they will in the spring with increasing light levels and warmth. Just be careful.
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Old 11-28-2012, 07:53 AM
JKeys JKeys is offline
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Cattleyas with lots of dead roots but new growths Male

Thank you all so much, I will definitely leave them alone now, and wait at least until the spring.
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:31 PM
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That is excellent advice from James!

I would just like to add that I would consider cool nights to be 55 degrees or less. If you keep your temps above that (lets say 60 at night and 75 or higher during the day), then you could resonable water this guy once or twice per week.Watch the pseudobulbs for signs of wrinkling. If they start to shrivel, maybe bump up the watering by a smidge.

And post pics! Be sure to follow this thread up with an update down the road!
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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Old 11-28-2012, 10:44 PM
JKeys JKeys is offline
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Cattleyas with lots of dead roots but new growths Male

okay, I will.
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