Yup Vanda lover, there's a little bunch of fanatics of this in France. Note that I practice vase+leca at the bottom+bark, and it works for me at least for some. Some only my big guys are this way (and blooming), all the others are in clear plastic pots/bark so very traditional, I'm testing.
Note that it's for cultivating in a flat, and it isn't for all places I guess. I strongly advise not to try this on plants you care a lot about and it's clearly not for wateringolics. On the 5 I have this way, 3 are fine, one has issues, one is in emergency (still in his pot) but I can't assure it's the method the issue, I was away 2 months this summer and the watering was… "special" let's say (names have been withheld to protect the guilty)
I strongly advise not to do this with small phals!
Here's one of my big guys (a pink hybrid), a month before blooming this spring:
We have an extensive thread on this on another forum, but it's in French. If you're interested we can start a thread on this separately, we're highjacking here.