Originally Posted by Canadian Girl
Thank so much for the information about the buds ... I'm not sure what they are doing they are just growing new buds still and the leaves look really healthy ? I've moved them to tiny little containers to support the little space they require .
On a different topic I've noticed that the one orchid I transplanted a couple weeks ago blooms are all of the sudden quite droopy ? I'm not sure what's causing this ? And that it's blooms have slowed down alot ?...
Any advice ?!
Thanks again !
The flowers on the plant you transplanted a couple weeks ago might just be starting to fade naturally. If you bought the plant in flower you don't know how old the flowers are so the plant might just be at the end of its bloom cycle. But sometimes when you transplant an orchid in bloom they can drop their blooms/buds because of the stress of the repotting. It also could be from a draft, a temperature change, lack of humidity, and any change in environment. It is called bud blast. The plants get stressed when they are brought from one location to another with different environments. It is always possible that premature bud or flower loss will happen if you buy a plant in bud or bloom and change its environment. Which you really can't do anything about it because your house, the store you got it from, and the greenhouse it came from are all different environments. It doesn't always happen but sometimes it does.