CL is quite correct. Not only do coconut palms store a lot of salt in the first place, I have heard that the fruits are sometimes soaked in brine to help loosen the husk from the hard shell of the fruit.
The best way to pretreat CHC - no matter how "clean" or "pre-washed" the vendor tells you it is - is to soak it in water containing about a tablespoon per gallon of calcium nitrate and/or magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts). Both is best, but using either one will work.
It's the same principle as a water softener, but for the converse purpose:
Passing hard water over a salt bed causes the dissolved calcium-, magnesium, and iron compounds to precipitate by substituting the sodium ions in the water - giving us "softened water". With CHC (LECA too), the medium becomes the "salt bed", so by having the other ions in solution, we get the same substitution occurring, but this time we dump the water and use the "bed".