
I didn't even think of asking anyone, but that would've made it much easier! Unfortunately I had to bury some of the external roots - they were getting insanely long and it was looking like a wild thing.
I know a lot of people are of the opinion that you should never bury the external roots because they aren't used to the medium and might rot, but when you pot up a keiki, which has all its roots hanging out there in the air, you soak the roots and then pot it up and I don't see the difference with doing this with any external roots. Similarly, I've read some threads here on the board where people frequently unmount their orchids because their growing conditions don't suit mounts and the plants are fine after being potted. This is just the conclusion that I've come to and is just my own opinion. Others might have different experiences and I'm not saying that anyone is wrong. Perhaps some plants are more sensitive than others when it comes to having their external roots buried.