Hey folks!
I've had a phal in a bag for over a month now and it has regrown new roots. It has one well established new root and two that have just started growing from the crown.
The other day I noticed that it had started growing a new leaf and decided now was possibly the time to re-pott it. But I'm not sure if I have done the right thing and am worried that its new roots will die.
I have potted it up in a small clear plastic container (made some side slits to it as well) in a moist (but not soaked) 80% bark 20% white sphagnum moss mix. I've only filled the container half full as I don't want the new roots to rot.
I'm worried about it's leaves as one has a tear in it and the rest are very floppy and wrinkled. Should I place a bag over the pot to try and up humidity? Sort of a half way house from its previous environment?
How often should one water a plant with struggling roots?
I really don't want to kill now it after all the long weeks in it's bag. Poor little guy.
Thanks for any advice,