I have a cattelya mounted to a plastic basket that I got at an orchid show in 2020. Initially I was soaking it 2-3x per week, but for the last few years t has been pretty happy getting soaked just 1x per week. It has flowered the last two years. This fall, I saw a new flower stalk shoot up with buds, but the buds had dried out within the same week. I am thinking it might be time to unmount this from the basket and put it into a potted environment, plus it's probably going to do better if I separate the bulbs and give it more room to march along with new growth.
Here is my question: I know the general guidance for repotting is to wait until the orchid is done flowering. Can I consider this orchid ready to repot since it tried to flower but the buds dried up? Or should I wait until spring when there is more light?
First three photos are from today. Here is a photo of it in bloom from 2022 for reference.