Blc. Morning Song 'Crownfox', Chop-chop!
A truly specimen sized plant that I got maybe 10 years ago at a club auction. A reliable bloomer that last year had around 50 flowers on it. This year, the iguanas feasted on it and when I went to move it....I almost couldn't. It was in a 20 gl. plastic field pot that I could barely get my arms around. The critters had devoured 75% of this years blooms but I noticed new root tips were already starting to emerge so right then and there I decided it was time to do the deed.
I had to cut the pot in multiple places to get the plant out of it and then started working my way around the plant with a reciprocating saw (sterilized blade first) making initial division cuts which I then was able to pull apart by hand.
I ended up with 11 divisions, the smallest had 6 pseudobulbs to the largest which had 30ish which is the one I'll keep. All the rest have been re-potted and will go on the member co-op sales table at our March show.
I've been thinking about doing this for a couple years and dreading it but when I was done I was overcome with a great sense of calm.
Specimen plants are nice but there just comes a time when...........
Below is picture of the plant in Dec. of 2020 and a picture of the divisions. Notice the original 8" plastic basket I found in the middle of the rootball?