I'm not seeing anything to be concerned about in the pics. It's common for a Phal of that age to have its older top-most roots, the ones that are usually exposed to the air, become a little dry or even woody in texture as the plant matures, especially if your climate or the house where you keep it is low in humidity.
I can't tell from the pics, but it looks like you have it in a clear plastic pot that is inside an outer decorative pot. As long as that inner plastic pot has plenty of drainage, and you remove it from the outer pot when you water to allow it to drain, you can water generously. Your media looks to be chunky bark, which is going to need that generous watering, at least at first. I don't know what it was in before or whether this type of media is much of a change from what it was in, but as others have mentioned here, new bark dries out fairly quickly.
It is my habit when I water to also mist the exposed roots of any of my Phals that have them. Over the winter months, my house can be very low in humidity. Others here have disagreed about the benefits of
misting roots, but I feel it has helped mine from becoming overly dry.

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