Repot Cymcidium Green Maureen in S/H now or next year
I received a blooming sized Cymbidium Maureen carter x ensiflolium (album) Thursday last week in the mail. The potting mix were scattered in the box so I repotted in fine bark mix with sponge rocks and black lava rocks.
It’s only been a few days, and I’m wondering if I can pot it in S/H now, Or will it totally sulk on me?
After reading about how well they do in S/H and other advantages of them being in S/H-should I switch them over? Given how they don’t like their roots disturbed, and if I keep in bark mix, they’ll need to be repotted after 2-3 years.
There was a new root, 1/4” long which I hope I didn’t hurt when I was repotting in bark mix on Thursday.
So, switch to S/H now, wait till next year or wait until the next repot?
PS: I read both the General and the Detailed info about S/H in First Rays website and will follow them all (except the new root condition after the repot on Thursday, I don’t know how it is now).
Thanks for your thoughts.