Waldor Famous Cymbidium Potting Mix
I have used the Repotme classic Cymbidium mix on the one Cymbidium I have, and it has done well in it, but I recently discovered Waldor Famous Cymbidium Potting Mix, and repot no longer makes the classic Cymbidium mix, only the Imperial, which I don't care for. Waldor's mix has great reviews, but it is expensive. You can get it on Amazon and it is a little more expensive, but the shipping is a little lower. You can get it at Waldor, and it is a little cheaper, but the shipping is higher. It comes out about the same. I have 5 Cymbidiums growing out of their 6 inch pots, so I think I need to move them to 2 gallon pots when I repot, so I think I need 2 cubic feet (one might cut it, but that would suck if I get almost finished and find out I have just not quite enough mix), and that mix would cost me 83.90 at Waldor and 97.32 at Amazon. Has anybody used this mix and is it really worth it? Or would I be better off just making my own mix?