Question for Australian members on bark supplies
Hi. This one is mainly for our Australian members.
I have about 200 orchids in my collection. I think at least 100 of them should be repotted this year. I would do more as I think they all need repotting really, but I know I’ll wilt after the first hundred.
I would be doing this around September, ideally.
I want to pot into bark.
So I want to get my own bark and process it over a few months, ready for use in September. I will probably do my usual thing of buying a few dozen cheap slotted pots direct from China, and be good to go.
I have looked at bark mixes in local landscaping suppliers - not happy as full of rubbish and flakes and stringy bits. I thought of sieving it, but by the time you take out the aforementioned you are left with virtually nothing.
Checked the bagged products at local hardware stores and garden centres. Again, poor quality with lots of fine stuff - I couldn’t find anything I would want to pot an orchid in.
Checked with orchid nurseries and shows. Some of the product for sale in these specialised places is quite good (example Orchiata) but I have a price objection.
What I want is round bark - round nuggets, not the flattish flakes which seem to be the result of modern forestry processes. We used to be able to buy it - but I haven’t seen good stuff for a while.
Any ideas where I can get it from?