This B nodosa just arrived from an online nursery. 2 day travel time. The tag has a single potting date 0f 3/19. It's in a 3" pot and to me the roots look to be tight fitting in their pot. One aerial root is almost 9" long. Medium is bark and lava rock and appears fresh.. My question: Should I repot to a 4" pot? Will it be traumatized after traveling and so soon after 3/19?
I would just let it stay in that pot for a while, B. nodosa can probably handle being underpotted pretty well and that pot seems like a good fit anyway.
Not only is there plenty of room in that pot, you'd be best to wait for the emergence of new growth, with their associated new roots, before repotting.
I totally agree with the "leave it" advice from Afid and Ray. I'd add that if you have the set-up to maintain a mounted plant, this one (when it puts out new growth, not now) is a prime candidate. Or a basket. I have one in (or mostly on the outside of) a plastic basket and one mounted, both seem to thrive on "root freedom".