Brassia Edvah Loo 'Nishida' – wooden baskets recommended?
Good Morning All,
I have been growing this Brassia Edvah Loo 'Nishida' in a clay pot, then eventually set into an 8” wooden basket. It has been in this basket for about 3 years now. I stapled screen mesh around the basket sides, set the clay pot inside, then added bark chips to fill the basket. Up until 4 months ago it looked healthy, leaves and bulbs increasing in size each year. This past winter was a rough one indoors. I lost the leaves on most of the bigger, older back bulbs. The growths since then do not look as robust. Does anyone grow Brassia in wooden baskets? Do they dry too much for this type of orchid? Most of the blooming ones I am seeing online are in plastic pots. This plant has never bloomed and I keep it in same conditions with my cattleyas which bloom each year. I am thinking of setting this 8” basket into a 10 or 12” basket but wonder if this will just result in more vegetative growth and no blooms. Anything else that can be corrected with my care of this orchid? Thanks for any suggestions, input. Thanks!