Hi Orchid Lovers
My collection lives outside on a covered screen porch. They do not get rain but I do live in a pretty hot and humid environment. Here very deep in southeast Florida where Everglades National Park is only a short drive away, we call it swamp weather.


is always a concern in swamp weather.
I'm wondering what you all think of growing in plastic pots that themselves would be in a non-draining, slightly larger, heavier pot of some kind? I like this idea but am afraid of reducing aeration. Is the gap enough?
I prefer to water via soaking and would like each plant to have its own soak pot. Also, as much as plastic pots may be preferred, there is the concern of top-heavy plants falling over in the strong breezes that are common here. So far, I have only used clay orchid pots and while I like the look, my plants dry very, very quickly (it's been very dry lately and watering nearly every day is the pits!) My current oldest plants have only been with me for a little over a year and are not yet ready for repotting ... the collection totals 30... and I do not look forward to repotting plants that are well-established in clay but know I will have to at some point.
Please point me in the direction you would choose for potting in such a hot and humid environment. If anyone has thoughts on where to buy cover pots in bulk or inexpensively, that would be fabulous too. Thanks!