Originally Posted by AnonYMouse
The newest leaf looks okay. Move it away from the light, that is what is causing all the red. How do the roots look now? The other leaf looks dried out making me suspect that the roots are in poorer condition.
I, personally would toss it, I just don't have the patience to tend to such a long shot. Under the right circumstances, it is recoverable.
Also, if you have access to seaweed/kelp supplement, use it as a foliar spray.
Thank you all for your comments. Unfortunately it didn't make it.

The one leaf it had left, died too. Now it was a completely leaf-less orchid. I googled it, and I read that an orchid with 0 leaves is a dead orchid. So I finally tossed it.
I'm sad because it was my fault this (once keiki) didn't make it... I did a lot of mistakes in the past, and when I tried my best to save it... I guess it was too late.
Anyway, on the positive side: I've really learned now what I've been doing wrong, and I feel like my new-found knowledge will help me care better for my orchids in the future. So far out of all my (I think 11 orchids that I've got left) that were all of them in pretty bad condition, after I repotted them... I'm seeing improvement. They are all of them busy making new roots, and one is even making a new leaf.
My one and only Oncidium is even making 2 pseudobulbs ( I think they're pseudobulbs) I just see this tiny little things coming up so far.