Originally Posted by Tommyr
Nice! I got a cordobae earlier this year, it's putting out a few spikes right now! A few blasted. Humidity is 70%. It's growing leaves so it must be doing o.k. Tried masdevallias again and failed.
Mine had been blasting it's buds since this winter, so frustrating. In my case, I found this bella needed daily attention to mature it's buds. What I mean by that, is if I left for a weekend to my cottage, even if the media was still humid upon my return, buds would blast. I would normally wrap the net pot with saran wrap to slow the drying, or tried a heavy watering just before leaving, I would always come back to a blasted bud. And since this happens at least once a month, I never got a chance to fully mature a bud. I haven't left town since July... And my Dracula is definitely enjoying having me around lol
What worked well for me is to keep the moss humid but on the dryer side, far from damp. I never water it any more. I strictly mist the plant, pot spikes etc until the weight feels good. So far so good. Been blooming with 50 to 75% humidity with occasional drops under 40%. Temperatures as high as 35 C for a few days in a row did not blast the bud with my
misting regimen. The flowers only last about 10 days to 2 weeks, but I think that's average for Dracula s.
Hopefully this will keep working well in the winter when humidity drops to 40-50% with the heating

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